Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Happy New Year! 2025 Here We Come!
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Merry! Merry! Merry!
Friday, December 20, 2024
How Lucky Are We...
Friday, December 13, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024
This Is Us...
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Let The Holiday Era Begin!
Friday, November 22, 2024
Ready or Not...
Friday, November 15, 2024
Life Is Still Beautiful...
Friday, November 8, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Aaaaand The Days Get Shorter....
Friday, October 25, 2024
Words Matter...
Friday, October 18, 2024
Good Times Are Coming...
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Please Take Care...
Friday, October 4, 2024
But Were They Though???...
Friday, September 27, 2024
38 Days and Counting...
Friday, September 20, 2024
Unforced Tragedy... There's No Reason
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Uber Eats... Pets Edition?!?!?! WTF!
I’m not sure what is crazier, the fact that the Orange Cheeto was screaming about a completely fictional, demented, and dangerous Uber eats "pets edition" during a PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE, no less, or that his boot lickers and diminished capacity critical thinkers absorb it like a desert soaks in rain.
Then, sure shit, bomb threats, and evacuations soon follow.
It’s as though his idiot minions feel they are following the orders of their cult leader like it’s Jan 6!
Yes, there have already been a ton of memes making fun of his lunacy, and it is funny... or at least it would be, if it wasn't also so massively dangerous.
In 2020 they fed fiction of caravans full of people breaking into lake cottages and squatting, or some such nonsense. Funny how, once that election was over, this terrifying crisis seemed to vanish into thin air. Because... it didn't exist.
It caused a lot of people to panic, and a lot of people to get hurt... for no reason other than to stoke fear over a non-existent terror.
They use the word immigrant, but they never seem to mean the ones that come from, Europe, the Netherlands... you know, the ones that come from predominantly white countries.
It's ALWAYS immigrants of colour they choose to demonize.
This time it's supposedly people taking over hotels and eating pets. It seems the more ridiculous, the more extreme the bullshit, the more eager the simple-minded conspiracy enthusiasts are to believe it.
It's like the litter boxes in the classroom nonsense. The pizza-gate bull crap of 2016.
Now they are trying to make people believe that abortions are happening into the 37th or 38th week of pregnancy, or even more ridiculously, AFTER the baby is born!
They are trying to make people believe that gender reassignment surgeries are happening at MIDDLE SCHOOLS! During school! Oh... and doing so without even consulting parents!
They want you to believe that women aren't smart enough to make decisions about their own lives and bodies.
They want you to believe that those who are different from you are out to get you, coming to take what's rightfully, only yours.
They want you to believe that unions are bad. Why? because the guy at the top of the ladder might have to settle for a smaller yacht if the ones who make him rich get a living wage and are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. That somehow, it's bad if the employees are provided the means to thrive instead of just survive.
It's much better for them and their board of directors to keep employees desperate, unsure, anxious, overworked, and exhausted. It's better for them to make sure they have you over the proverbial barrel at all times.
One step in accomplishing that goal is, little by little diminishing the public education system. They plant seeds of mistrust between parents and teachers with outlandish lies about what's being taught and how.
They water those seeds with misinformation about books. They ban said books, marginalizing further, the development of young critical thinkers.
They create a secondary education system that serves the rich. Making sure the less privileged, if they find a way to attend a college or university, are saddled with unsurmountable student debt for the rest of their lives, and then expect them to pay these loans back while working three jobs, making shit wages.
They strip reproductive rights, forcing childbirth on people who are not ready, who are victims of rape and incest, not allowing care for those who are suffering miscarriages... none of whom can get help because doctors fear legal repercussions.
It seems the more outlandish the lie, the more racist, the more homophobic, the more misogynistic, the more ridiculous, the more eager the idiots are to believe them.
I wish that this... that these lunatics were solely contained within the borders of my neighbours to the south, but their enabling of idiocy has spread like poison in the groundwater, infecting swaths of citizens around the world.
This kind of thinking not only threatens democracy in the United States, but globally.
This insanity being pushed by Russian propaganda bots, that somehow THEY are the victim and Ukraine is the bad guy?!?!?!?!?!
We all understand that if Ukraine loses this invasion from Russia, Putin will absolutely not stop at Ukraine, right? We all get that. Right? Why would he?
He's a greedy bully who feels entitled to take whatever he wants without consent, and how dare they or anyone, for that matter, resist!? He gets away with it because he has seized power in his own country. He's a dictator, aaaaand he's a hero to the Grand Cheeto.
Now that international investigations are happening, and charges are starting to be laid, and consequences of participating in the Russian propagandist machine will begin to take place, it will be very interesting to see where all of the chips fall... and on whom they land the hardest.
So to recap...
NOBODY is eating your pets.
NOBODY is aborting babies after they are born.
NOBODY is performing gender-reassignment surgery in middle schools
NOBODY is brainwashing your kid with "To Kill A Mockingbird"
NOBODY is overtaking hotels
NOBODY is trying to take away ANY of your rights by providing equal ones to others.
NOBODY is lazy for not wanting to have to work more than forty hours a week to live.
Just Think.