Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Shortest Month...


I know that February has the fewest days of all of them. Logically, we all know this. Why, then, does it tend to feel like the longest? 

I have a theory...

February feels longer than it has a right to for, I think, a few different reasons.

For one, January, let's face it, is the Holiday hangover month. We are recovering, getting our bearings after weird work schedules, more socializing than we have become accustomed to through the last few years, and just a stitch more partying than we experience in our usual, day-to-day lives. For two, let's face it, where I call home, January is generally the month where both the likelihood of it being so cold it hurts to breathe, and enduring the experience of having every single fluid that CAN escape from ALL the orifices of your face freezing to, and in whatever they touch, is incredibly high. The January we most recently got rid of took that to heart with a vengeance. We reached temperatures that were colder than Mars. Ridiculous. For three, January is stupid dark... a lot. So let's recap, we are recovering from a holiday hangover, it's cold, it's dark, we are getting our feet under us after admitting to ourselves that half of our New Year's resolutions have already been ditched. It passes. not quickly, but it passes.

March, carries with it a hint, a promise, of Spring. It's covered in mucky snow, the snowmen residing on front lawns start resembling something from The Walking Dead. Kids playing in school playgrounds find that there is no way to know if you should be wearing snow pants, splash pants, winter, or rubber boots. Chances are, whatever you think will work that day.... won't. We start to feel some warmth in the sun that is beginning to stay longer. Yeah, we start trusting the telltale signs that winter is coming to an end. 

Sooooo, February. Yes, it has the fewest days, but the fog of the holidays has cleared, our resolutions are but a distant memory, we have completed the self-berating for that and have moved on. Our nights still eat up more than half the clock. It can still get cold enough to make your eyeballs freeze shut, but it can also melt enough to create the best icicle machetes. I think the reason February feels so long is that, at this point, unless you are a skier, a snowshoer, or a hockey fan, you're just kind of sick of winter being winter. I, for one, am ready for more daylight, no snow, and not having to check the forecast before leaving the house. 

So, if I haven't been clear,  I'm officially tired of winter. 

Looking forward...

Spring breezes caressing the delicate blossoms of wildflowers, their gentle sway creating complex choreography for the bees and hummingbirds.

Long walks in new places wherein the only purpose is to capture nature's impossible beauty within the frame of an unnatural lens. 

Open windows, allowing the perfumes of the awakening world to envelope every room.

Riding bike until everything feels uphill.

Creating fresh memories in the fresh air with the fresh faces that look forward to our little adventures. 

That glorious, and all too short span of time that graces us between snowbanks and mosquitoes. 


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