Friday, December 28, 2018

Happy New Year!


Kids, toys, pets, and games.

This is our chaos at Christmas, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

If you are part of the lucky few for which this week is a magical hiatus that bridges Christmas and the New Year, enjoy it. Take full advantage of that privilege.

For everybody else, well...

Look at it this way, you have a job. That's a good thing. And besides, it will make the stat of New Year's Day that much sweeter, unless you work retail or hospitality, then you don't get that stat either. But, you get overtime, maybe, depending on who you work for.

So, like I said, if you are part of the lucky few, enjoy it. But, when doing so, tip well. It's the least you can do.

This week's ramblings are going to be on the short and sweet side as we, for this year, anyway, are part of the few, and are taking full advantage.

In the meantime,

May you ring in the New Year in a way that fills you with delight.
May you find a way to mark the moment, on this very special night.

May you trade in every worry you hold for the hope a new year brings.
May you, even if just for one evening, enjoy all of it, without strings.

May you embrace this new year with confidence, with optimism, with renewed vigor.
May you see, with you at the wheel, your life can only get even better, even bigger.

May you have the chance to countdown to midnight with those you hold dear.
May you, above all else, have an incredible, fabulous, and Happy New Year!


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