Friday, December 7, 2018

Yes, Santa Is Now A Verb...It's A Thing...


Life can be easy, life can be hilarious, life can be hard as hell.

Life can feel heavy, life can feel light, life can feel dark as hell.

Life can be tough, life can be stressful, sometimes you feel like, what the hell?!

Life can have you driving, hardly being able to see past your nose one day, the next, you're hanging with Disney princesses, the next, you're witnessing a sky you thought only existed in movies.

Life can, and will be, a perpetual combination of decisions, their consequences, how much power we give our fear, and a healthy dose of good ol' 'shit happens.'

Although a lot of us like to live under the delusion that we have some control over the 'shit happens' portion of life, we don't. But, we do control our reaction to it.

Life can be hard. Is hard. Sometimes.

If you watched nothing but the news, you could come to believe that that is all it is.

Yes, life is hard.

But, it is also spending time with family, teaching your grandkids how to play board games, answering Santa letters, baking cookies, and laughing with your spouse at something no one else would think was remotely funny.

It is also finding out your 6-year-old grandson, unbeknownst to his parents, shoveled the snow from his neighbour's yard because he knew that he had fallen and was finding it hard to get around.

It is also taking in the school Christmas concert and watching an utter overload of innocent sweetness, out of time dancing, and off-key singing that rivals any show on Broadway.

It is also putting smiles on the faces of strangers for no reason other than you can, cleaning out closets and donating winter gear to those who can really use it.

It is including/reaching out to those who have no one with which to share their holidays.

It is also knowing that life isn't and can't be perfect, no matter what your friends are showing you on FaceSnapGram.

Life isn't, and can't be perfect, whatever the hell that would be, as no two people share the same definition.

It ain't perfect, but it's good. At least good enough, for now.  Today, Disney princesses, tomorrow, who knows.....

For now, be Santa.

S- Spirit-filled
A- Affable
N- Nice
T- Thoughtful


That about does it for now...

May the spirit of the holidays take hold of your heart and squeeze.
May you find joy in the little things, a funny movie, a decadent cookie, frosted trees.

May you find the best gifts require no purchase, are given freely, without want for return.
May you see that kindness should be organic, not something that needs to be earned.

May you Santa your way through these next few weeks, sharing greetings, causing grins.
May you see that the Holidays are not a competition for fanciness, if you Santa, we all win.


Yes, Santa is now a verb, It's a thing.

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