Saturday, December 1, 2018

Rollin' With It, Whatever It Is.....


Sometimes life throws crap at you faster than seems possible to handle.

We try to plan what we feel we need to, try to preemptively prepare for unwanted unknowns, all the while, somewhere, fathoms deep within our subconscious, at a cellular level, we own the subliminal recognition that the likelihood of things actually going according to our plans is slim to none.

Yet, we plan.

Case in point.

I committed to a book event in Stony Plain a few months ago. Booked a room, planned the route, scheduled things at the shop so we could make the trip. You know, planned.

Then, the fruits of subliminal recognition kicked in.

An impromptu, beautiful gathering of family. The reason for it, heartbreaking, as it was to say goodbye and celebrate an Auntie who passed.

That evening, once we checked into our hotel, we decided to head out, check out our surroundings a bit, and after a hard day, find a smile or two. We found a quaint little place that happened to be hosting a karaoke night! We made a toast or two in honour of my Aunt, found our smile or two, and met some pretty fun people in the process.

The Tradeshow itself was fairly uneventful. Two days of meeting and talking with a stream of new people. All was good.

On the second day, as we were getting ready to leave our room to go down for breakfast, the phone in our room rings. It was the front desk informing us that they were going to be shutting off the hot water for emergency repair. Thankfully we had already showered.

After breakfast, my hubby went back up to our room just to double check for anything that may have been forgotten. Bad decision. Once he arrived upstairs, the door to the elevator would only partially open. Luckily, Hubby is pretty strong and was able to wrestle it open far enough to get out.

We checked out and went to the show.

We began our trek home Sunday, directly after the show closed, as it was a fair distance. It didn't take long for us to realize that trying to go the whole distance in the timeframe we had planned on, just wasn't going to happen.

As we drove, we were quickly smothered in freezing fog, the road began to resemble an unattended ice rink. Getting home late was better than not at all.

Technology comes in handy. I hit up my hotel app, and had a room booked by the time we reached the next town.

The next day, after a night spent in a hotel with both hot water, and a functioning elevator, and a bit of Christmas shopping, we headed home. It was still foggy enough to make reading road signs a challenge, but at least it was daylight, and the fog was no longer transforming into ice.

We stopped for a bite along the way. A little cafe, owned by a young immigrant family with three littles. A set of 22-month-old twins, and the 4-year-old little guy in the photo, above. They were so sweet. After a bit of a story, a promise to try to come back to visit,  and a quick bashful hug. We made it the rest of the way home.

The rest of the week was spent visiting a great friend, more driving on sketchy roads swallowed by fog, and another book event.

If the trip had gone as planned, we wouldn't have found that karaoke show, some unique and special gifts, or met a sweet little boy and his family along the way.

Rolling With It, Whatever It Is.

Making the best of unexpected situations can lead to straight up awesomeness.

That about does it for now.


May you find a way to take the unexpected in stride.
May you embrace the curves, the detours, they can bring delight.

May you let go of the worry, let go of the stress, for not one purpose does it serve.
May you see it has absolutely no effect on the outcome of anything, it only steals your verve.

May you give yourself a break, for the perfect holiday is not within your power to award.
May you find a way to roll with it, whatever it is, this ability will bring its own rewards.


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