Saturday, May 25, 2019

Smothered By Hate, I Can't Breathe...


Just before I began to write this, I saw on the news, that 6 littles have died within the past 8 to 9 months, while in the care of the agency in charge of border protection in the United States.

The same administration that professes to be pro-life.

Say that out loud, slowly.

Kids, no matter where they happen to be born, should be playing in the sunshine, playing dress up, listening to stories, jumping in puddles, laughing without a worry in the world. They don't belong in detention centres, or cages, some being neglected to the point of death.

To the argument that that's the chance they take when they bring their kids across the border...

Try, for a second, to imagine under what circumstances, knowing the dangers, that you would be willing to put your children at that kind of risk. How horrible would your situation have to be for you to walk away from your home, your family, everything you know and love, take your children and start walking. Doing all of this in the hopes that if you make it, your child will have a chance at a decent and safe life.

Yes, that is the chance they are willing to take. In their shoes, I would like to think that I would have the courage to do the same.

Who has limits to what they would do to save their kids?

One of the saddest things is that they had made it. They made it to Oz. Then, the curtain was pulled back, the yellow brick road quickly becoming a concrete path to cold cages.

How do you put kids in cages, allow them to die, AND profess to be pro-life?


The children wither behind the bars at my back as I scream torturous untruths into the saddened faces of women faced with one of life's most incredibly personal decisions.

Once a haven to those looking for a better life, I am now a distorted caricature of what I once strove to be.

The smiles of my children are replaced by anxiety, the trauma of lock-down drills, and the knowing of exactly what they are for.

Smothered by hate, I can't breathe.

Save me.


We are a world of human condition, different, yet equal, cultures dictated by history.
We can heal what's wrong, all it takes is to truly want to, we've proven it's possible.

We need to stand up for kindness. We need to stand up for compassion. We need to stand up for acceptance, even when, especially when we don't understand. We need to stand up. We need to breathe again.


May we allow ourselves to heal, replace the hate with acceptance and compassion.
May we see how the hate taints our hearts, our characters broken, our souls, ashen.

May we once again dance in the sun, together, playing, living, loving, in peace.
May this darkness be lifted, the cancer destroyed, may every hatred cease.


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