Friday, May 17, 2019

Time Is So Beyond Up...


Another week has passed. Sleep is again being robbed.

A lot of readers of these ramblings come from the U.S. A lot of them are women. Most of them are scared. Many, at risk.

I'm the Mom to four females. The grandmother to two more.

I, personally, have never been in a situation where having an abortion needed to be part of the equation. I, personally, know people who have been. I, personally, have never, and will never do anything but support another female facing this decision.

I'm not qualified to judge, steer a decision, or put forth a point of view. You know who is?

The person who is pregnant, and, if she chooses, her doctor.

What I am qualified to do...

Listen, hug, listen some more, drive to appointments, help research information if asked to do so, listen some more, and be there, whether the decision ends in abortion, adoption, or raising a baby.

When, within said law, a minor child would be forced to go through pregnancy, labour, and ultimately, give birth to her abuser's child, how can you even pretend this law is to protect children?

When said law stipulates that an abortion is legal up and until the woman knows she's pregnant.  So she can have one as long as she doesn't know she's pregnant. On what planet does that make one iota of sense?

I understand that many people object to abortions, across the board, period. They object for religious reasons, or for a number of other reasons. No one is saying you are not allowed to have objections. You just can't force your objections on to others.

If it's religion... You have no more right to force your belief system onto others than atheists do. Would you stand down, if someone was forcing you to NOT have kids because THEY believed the world was too populated, and the planet is running out of resources to support the overpopulation you are attributing to? Not likely.

There is not one single human on the planet who has the right to force another human to have a baby.

There just isn't.

If you believe you have that right, for religious reasons or for any reason, that says way more about you than the person considering the abortion.

I come back to the minor child. She could be as young as eleven or twelve. She could be pregnant with her father's child. Her uncle's child. Her coach's child. Her priest's/preacher's/teacher's/neighbour's child. She could be your child. She could be your grandchild. She could be your great-grandchild. She could have been you.

I come back to the point that I am not qualified to do anything but support in any way that is asked of me. I am not qualified, and, unless you are making the decision about you and your pregnancy, neither are you.

Stop trying to strip women of their biological autonomy under the guise of caring. You don't care. If you did, you would provide more support in contraception, prenatal care, existing conditions, child care, paid parental leave, and help for single mothers.

You see, your law wants to force women to have the children, but doesn't want the males who impregnate them to be held accountable. A woman would go to prison for aborting the product of rape while the rapist walks free.

Time is so beyond up.

Why are we still here? How are we still here? The fact that basic human rights for women are once again in question, up for debate, threatened, is, on its face, ridiculous, but, because of ludicrous support, it's graduated from ridiculous to terrifying.

Now is not the time to rest. I'm not sure if that time will ever come.


May we find the strength to fight, yet again, for what is inherently ours.
May this be the last time we need to. Period.


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