Man, how things can change in just a few days. The snow pics are from Monday, the others were taken this morning.
Here in Canada, we have a big election coming up very soon. There, of course, is no shortage of information and misinformation available to support or smear each and every candidate/party.
It takes a fair amount of diligence to distinguish between the two. Do yourself the favour of doing just that. Then, take advantage of your right to vote for whoever lines up most closely with your personal ideals.
We all know campaign promises, regardless of whose mouth generates them, are, by design, spoken to try and drum up votes. We all know this. To me, that is why we have to look at everything else. The way they've lived their adult lives up to this point, the way they've treated others, the policies they've passionately championed, the intent that drives them. How much of what they've done aligns with my own beliefs, my own ways of thinking, my own values?
For your own sake, do your due diligence. Then vote, or don't, it's your right.
Regardless of how crazy our election seems to us, in comparison, what is going on below the 49th is just plain scary.
Even if you eliminate everything. All the texts and emails, the phone calls, all of it. Even if we just go on what has come out of the mouth and fingers of the guy who lives in the White House, he has done things that, if aren't an out and out crime, walk the line between legal and illegal like a blindfolded, amateur, drunk tightrope walker.
Shouldn't the standard for the office of the President of the United States aim just a titch higher than not quite illegal?
To get an idea of how the world sees all of this, all you had to do was watch the face of the President of Finland during their joint press conference the other day. In a nutshell.
I can't help but wonder, if everything you've done, if the conversations and interactions with Ukraine, China, Russia, and the Saudi Prince are so "perfect", why are you going to such lengths to hide them? To put them into a digital vault historically used only for things that reach an astronomic level of security, things that can mean life and death. There is a standard, a level that needs to be reached for things to qualify as important enough to be held here.
Phone calls wherein your own words paint you as an unethical mobster who likes to flirt with extortion don't cut the mustard.
It will be interesting to see what has yet to be uncovered.
It will be interesting to see and hear how many holes the guy who lives in the White House will shoot in his own ship.
It will be interesting to see how many of his "guys", well, how many more, really, will begin to sing.
It will be interesting to see how many of his supporters will be willing to go down with the sinking ship.
It will be interesting to see how our great-grandkids will assess this moment in history.
Man, how things can change in a few days...
America we miss you, get well soon.
May every truth see the light of day, then dance triumphantly in the sun.
May those who know it, tell it, so you can live with yourself when all is said and done.
May we, all of us, as citizens, be given the unfiltered truth as a default, without fail.
May we, with open minds, accept truth, even if it's hard to hear, whatever it may entail.
May we, at the end of this circus, live in a much more united, peaceful, place.
May we do so, we need it, every person, every religion, creed, and race.
![Once Broken by [Reid, Margy]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41x0FgrjdFL._SX260_.jpg)
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