Sooooo, here where I live, we had our election. It went the way some wanted, and not the way others wanted. Such is life in a democracy.
The reactions have been, in a word, predictable.
There is a lot of doomsday talk of how we are all screwed, splitting up the country, a tone of speech fuelled by fear.
I am choosing to look at it this way. After this election, we have been left with a minority government. This will force co-operation. In the history of our Country, it's been when we have a minority government that the best and biggest changes have happened.
I am choosing to be optimistic. I am choosing to be hopeful.
The sun will still rise, the sun will still set, take a breath, and find the crocodile clouds in the sky.
We still live in a great country where you can go to the doctor without worrying about money. You can get mammograms, and ultrasounds, dialysis, and chemo. A country where you don't have to lose your home to save your life.
We still live in a great country where our kids don't have to suffer through active shooter drills, they don't have lead in their water, they aren't being chased from their homes by war, they can live a fearless life, laying on their backs in the grass, finding their own crocodile clouds in the sky.
We still live in a great country where we can breathe our pristine air, swim in our countless lakes, explore our three oceanic shores, and celebrate every culture that chooses to call us home.
Are we perfect? Far from it. All you have to do is dip into social media to see that.
Fear breeds anger, anger breeds hate, hate can never be what we stand for.
We are far from perfect.
Case in point, the Noble indigenous peoples of this awesome place. A people to whom we owe every respect. A people who we can only hope will, some day, be able to forgive the heinous treatment they received at the hands of our history.
We all know what abuse can do to a single child, a single person. It breaks them. It weaves into the fabric of who they become thereafter. We did that. To all those who were living here, peacefully, before we showed up all those years ago. We continued to do it for years, for generations. We kidnapped their children and put them into institutions of abuse. The last 'school' closing in 1996.
We performed surgical cultural genocide for over 100 years. The last of the worst of it as recently as 23 years ago.
We all know what abuse can do to a single child, a single person. Imagine what it does to a century of generations of an entire culture.
"Getting over it" isn't an option.
Am I professing to have all the answers? No. But, I can do what I can do. Treat everyone with compassion, lifting others up whenever and wherever I can.
I have had the privilege of visiting schools all over this beautiful province. I have visited the schools in small towns, not-so-small towns, Hutterite colonies, cities, and indigenous communities.
This is what I know. The fairytale that all kids are playing on an even field when it comes to education is just that, a fairytale. Not all schools are created equal.
If we want our kids to do better. We need to give ALL of them the tools they need to do so. Period.
For now, the sun will still rise, the sun will still set, let's all take a breath, and find the crocodile clouds in the sky.
Until next time....
May you, when you feel shrouded in cynicism, break free. allow yourself to see the sun.
May you give yourself permission to let the heaviness slide, grip the happy, have some fun.
May we all, in a world seemingly run by clueless clowns, keep in focus what lives closest to our hearts.
May we know we can still care deeply about the tragedies of the world without them breaking us apart.
May we all gain some perspective, no matter your situation, someone will look at your life and see a dream.
May we slip into the rosie glasses of our childhoods, for just a sec, nothing is ever as bad as it first seems.
![Once Broken by [Reid, Margy]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41x0FgrjdFL._SX260_.jpg)
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