I know, more Autumn pics, but in my defense, it's pretty. The leaves are dropping at a rapid pace now, so there won't be many more. Really.
In the part of the world I call home, we are days away from a federal election. This brings out all of the "They're worse than we are" speeches, big promises, and a lot of avoidance of answers to direct questions.
As interesting as our politics are right now, we can't hold a candle to the drama going on a bit south of us.
I've probably heard the phrase "Quid Pro Quo" more often in the past week than I have throughout the entirety of my life. I'm 53
The clearest definition of the phrase, so far, was given by a Chief of staff guy named Mick. Apparently, he got his peepee slapped once he got off stage because later on, people were pissed off that cameras recorded what he said, played it back, and had the audacity to put that forth as what he said. How dare you record me at a press conference, ask me questions, and then publicize the answers.
Then. there is the scary matter of the guy in the Whitehouse making life and death military decisions on a whim one Sunday night. This, in turn, causes a shit storm of biblical proportions, with ramifications that will likely be felt for years to come.
Pull troops. check.
Pull them so quick they have to blow up their bases. check.
Roll out red carpet for Russians to take up residence in every base left. check. (videos featuring Russian soldiers goofing around in said bases are very popular)
Leave the door open for Turkey to basically extend their border like they have been wanting to do for years. check.
Leave second door open for Russia. check.
Leave back door open for Iran. check.
Guards keeping ISIS guys in prison are called to defend the border. A reboot of 'Escape from Alcatraz" ensues. check.
Then, the guy who has just finished beating the living crap out of the smallest kid in the schoolyard wants some kind of credit for calling an ambulance.
Before you start slow dancing Pence and Pompeo around the Oval Office, you should probably look at some footage from the Syrian border, that so-called cease-fire lasted about ten minutes. 5 more dead this morning.
Then, through the chaos, by some miracle, both donkeys and elephants got together, voted and agreed, with the exception of a few, to condemn the insanity.
The Cheeto threw a tantrum. People who have served 3 or more presidents, donkeys and elephants alike, were freaked out by how he acted. That's probably not a good sign.
So to wrap up the week.
You pulled protection away from your friends, so people who are not really your friends could stretch their borders. (How's that Trump Towers Turkey deal going, by the way, still a go?)
This gives Russia and Iran an in.
In doing so, a bunch of ISIS people are, once again, in the wind, free to reorganize, regroup, reboot.
In the time you were holding your breath, sitting on the money for Ukraine until they said uncle about Biden, people died. A lot of people. Moms, Dads, kids. People. Did they need to be cleaned out too? (One of your new phrases about Kurds that's gonna follow your ass.)
Now either you know all of this, and did it anyway, which makes you an evil traitor, or you're a complete moron. You pick.
By the way, your mini-me giving a lecture on the evils of nepotism, was frickin' hilarious. Oh, and it looks like you should start shopping around for yet another 'fixer', looks like Guiliani might be keeping Cohen company soon.
A side note. Apparently, there is some kind of counter-protest being put together by a bunch of grown people in Semi Trucks. They are protesting a 16-year-old girl who is traveling the world, trying to draw attention to what scientists are saying about climate change.
This baffles me a bit. If you are trying to make the point that the oil industry isn't the enemy of the environment, why protest against science? I guess I'm having trouble accepting this has to be an either/or situation.
I like to think that the oil industry and environmentalists will find common ground. No one's goal is to destroy nature. No one's goal is to live without heat. Start there?
Fellow voters:
May you make your decision as it aligns with your heart.
May you align you vote with your passion, albeit finances, health care, or art.
May you not let apathy keep you from the booth, if your casting aside your right, make sure it's for a real reason.
May you understand, no matter the outcome, everything is temporary, everything has a season.
May we, once it's all over, once again be friends, not everything is politics, not everything needs to be argued to death.
May we, once it's all over, once again be friends, let's take a beat, a step back, a breath.
Until next time...
![Once Broken by [Reid, Margy]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41x0FgrjdFL._SX260_.jpg)
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