Saturday, September 16, 2023

Equal Is Not More...



It never ceases to amaze me, the things that people will believe.

Granted, those who choose to spend their time trying to bilk people out of their money, or say things that are massively untrue in some attempt to show themselves in some kind of magical light, or spread rumors grounded in nothing but... well, nothing, are going to continue, as long as it keeps working.

I mean, if they are achieving whatever their goals may be by simply portraying lies as fact and nobody bothers to check before continuing this dangerous game of telephone, what incentive to they have to stop?

It's a lot like when toddlers discover that tantrums make grown-ups react... especially in public. If small tantrums get them what they want when they are little, why would they possibly think they wouldn't work forever?

They will push it until someone shows them that that is not how the world works if you care to walk this earth with any kind of decency. Allowing it to continue chips away at their developing character until they become an adult who thinks they can act abhorrently, or say absolutely anything, as long as it gets them what they want. 

I have encountered people who lie habitually, who then have the audacity to be offended when you don't believe them, or worse yet, call them out on their crap. 

I have known full-blown adults who are capable of throwing tantrums and do so frequently, to get their own way. It might not consist of throwing themselves on the ground kicking, screaming, and crying hysterically, but... sometimes, apparently, it does. No in adults it tends to be a bit more subtle, at least, most of the time.

Adults, or should I say, people that are the age of adults, tend to be passive/aggressive, give silent treatments, withhold affection, yell, commit emotional extortion, bully, and, yes, even get violent to get their own way. or simply to force agreement.

It's the same with certain things out in the ethos. 

For example, I know otherwise very intelligent people who were completely pulled in by this " the parents of kids who want to identify as furries, are demanding litter boxes in schools."

This was patently untrue, yet saturated the gossip sphere to the point that the school division found it necessary to put out a public statement refuting the whole ridiculous scenario. 

I know, in the grand scheme of things, the whole "furry" thing is fairly insignificant. But, it doesn't stop there. 

These same liars try to make people believe that representation equals indoctrination.

That, somehow, just because very underrepresented groups that are currently rarely, and until very recently, were never seen in movies, tv shows, and advertisements, unless they were being stereotyped or made the butt of some sad joke, are finally getting to see themselves... somewhere... anywhere, that this is, by some imaginary measure, them "trying to take over," or "throw it in our faces," or trying to "groom" kids to become part of the queer community. 

It's all so dumb.

The queerphobia that is bubbling to the surface, the sheer cruelty that it encourages, and the absolute damage that it does needs to be addressed in a real way. 

I'm not sure how to scratch the surface of what makes the believers of this garbage tick, let alone forge some kind of real change. But, I need to try.

They are trying to force the most personal private things about a person into the political arena, when it has absolutely no business being there. 

They want to force kids to out themselves before they are ready with a complete disregard for the kids' mental health or safety. What if that coerced circumstance puts that child in very real danger? What if they get thrown out, beaten, emotionally destroyed? Just because liars are believed.

They are weaponizing religion to disparage and gain even more control over a vulnerable group. I mean, it's hardly the first time. Salem witch trials, chastity belts, slavery, Indigenous residential schools, claiming birth control is a sin, women's reproductive rights... need I go on?

This is just the newest version.

I have a question. Why are the perpetuators of these distortions so scared of people who have neither the intent nor the ability to hurt them in any way?

All they are asking for is to be treated with the same respect and given the SAME rights as everyone else. Not MORE, just equal. If two consenting adults choose to enter a relationship, maybe decide to get married, have a family, why is that a problem? 

If a child feels such a level of discomfort in their own skin, who am I to offer an opinion? I don't know that child. I don't know their parents. I'm NOT a doctor. Why is it everybody's business? Why should I be able to stop them from getting the help they need because I'm uninformed, misinformed, or willfully ignorant? 

Every situation is going to be unique, as all personal situations are. This is why NONE of it is our business. 

Support, embrace, be kind.

If information is trying to steer you toward fear, hate, judgment, and exclusion... stop.

Just stop to think about what they are asking you to believe, hate, and fight against.

Under some guise of fighting for your freedoms, they are instead, systematically trying to strip freedoms from those much more vulnerable than you.

They try to tell you that transgender people are predators.  Worldwide stats prove straight white men claim, by far, the majority of this horrible slice of sub-humanity. 

They try to tell you that drag queens can be nothing but inappropriate when it comes to being around children. That's just flat-out insane. Do yourself the favour of attending a drag queen story hour. Leave your kids at home for the first one, so you can check it out. I guarantee, if you go with even the slightest glimmer of an open mind, you'll quickly discover how ridiculous the whole fear thing has been. 

They try to tell you that kids simply learning true history will leave them despondent and depressed, make them feel bad about whence they came. Hmmmm... think about that. How do you suppose being force-fed the whitewashed versions of history makes Indigenous, black, Asian, or any marginalized group feel?

They try to tell that your children simply being around people of the queer community is somehow detrimental. That's just ass-backwards. When kids hang out with vulnerable people the only thing they learn is empathy. 

 Maybe, just maybe, everybody learning the uncandycoated, entire truth would be healing for all of us. 

If information is trying to steer you toward fear, hate, and exclusion... stop.

Equal is not more. 

Freedom without freedom for everyone, is no freedom at all. 

No one, no religion, not government, has any business in the relationships, bedrooms, or doctor's offices of consenting adults and their children. These are humanity's most personal spaces. Just stop. 

I hope this made a scratch.  I hope.


May you take a beat and think about why one body of humans wants to make you fearful of another.

May you stop and think why a religion would want you to judge, exclude, and cause harm to thers?

May you question why a swath of humanity feels so threatened by others simply receiving the exact same rights they have been privileged to have for so long?

May you just stop.


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