And yes, these photos are here to remind those of us who live amongst snowbanks for a good chunk of the year that they WILL go away... eventually!
That's why Groundhog Day is kind of a joke around here. We would be absolutely stoked if winter ONLY lasted 6 weeks past Feb. 2nd! That would be fantastic! That would mean we would be snowless in about a week from now..... yeah.... not gonna happen. Not even close.
So, I turned 59 this week!
Most of the time I have to stop and do the math to remind myself of my age. Sometimes, I feel every second of the 59 years. Always, I'm forever grateful for the chance to grow older.,for there are far too many who are robbed of the privilege.
From a lifetime of physical labour, my body has had to endure more wear and tear than the average Gen X Grandma. The years of heavy lifting, long hours on concrete floors, having four babies in 41/2 years, waiting tables, running dayhome, cleaning commercial buildings, cleaning hotel rooms, all kinds of work-related injuries, and all that was part of growing up on a farm in the 70's and 80's... yeah, it's all present and accounted for.
Because of all of this, the knees aren't great, the hips don't lie, but they swear at me now and again, Arthiritis has begun to whisper sweet nothings into my hands, my shins like to scream at me every so often, and I'm slowly becoming a human barometer.
I know for a fact, I am far from alone. There are more people who make their way through life putting their bodies through things they shouldn't in order to make a living than there are those who don't.
Don't get me wrong, if I would have had to ride a desk chair 40 hours a week for the last 40 years, I would have been miserable. I'd probably be able to kneel on the floor to look for something that rolled under the fridge without crying, but I would have been miserable.
Thankfully, some are built for desk jockey jobs, and some are not. The world couldn't survive without both being present.
The thing is, historically, the jobs that break our bodies have always paid less than. They are equally important, and though they may not require as much formal education, they do require intelligence and an ability to acquire new skills, sometimes an entirely new skillset, as employment shifts, promotions are gained, or a complete shift in career is needed.
Society would like us to believe that people who live paycheck to paycheck just mismanage their money. That somehow if they would just work a little harder, or give up things they don't need, that they would be fine.
The thing is, people shouldn't have to work two or three jobs just so they can eat AND have power.
We are supposed to be able to work to make a living. "Living" being the operative word.
We shouldn't have to spend every waking hour working or trying to think of ways to work more and still have more month at the end of the money than money at the end of the month.
Everyone should be able to afford a little joy, a little fun, a bit of a holiday now and again. 40 hours a week should make that possible.
The average income in Canada in 1980 was about $41,348.
The average income in Canada in 2021 was about $68,400.
So Joe and Joann Average got a raise of about 1.66% over 41 years.
The average monthly rent in Canada in 1980 was about $243.00. That's about 7.5% of the income.
The average monthly rent in Canada in 2021 was about $1752.00. That's about 30.5% of the income.
If you factor in the disproportionate rise in other costs of living, such as utilities, groceries and owning a vehicle, let alone, I don't know, going to a movie, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why Millenials, and Gen Z's are getting burnt out before they even get started.
The idea of owning a home is out of reach for most. Hell, the idea of living without roommates feels like a pipedream.
There isn't a person on the planet who wants to live on a hamster wheel, where they will simply run until they die. For a lot of young people right now, that's what it feels like.
Getting a degree guarantees only a lifetime of student loans, but not necessarily the promised career that will bring actual prosperity.
When you ask little kids what they want to be when they grow up, anything short of being a superhero or a unicorn should be possible.
We need to find a way to make our kids' dreams possible again.
The status quo isn't sustainable. We need these next generations to run things when we are too old. They can't do it if they are burnt out by age 40 from working three jobs just to live on ramen, with 3 roommates, and little else to motivate them but the panic and anxiety that constantly living in survival mode provides.
So yeah, these knees may have seen better days, but they still get me where I need to go. My wish for those that come after me is to have it a little easier. To be allowed to make a life, not just a living. To make enough money as to free up time to enjoy the life they are working for.
Not wanting to work all the damn time doesn't mean you are lazy. It means you're human.
Comfort and financial stability should be for everyone, not just the few.
Not having to worry how to cover next month's bills is what most dream about.
That's it. It's that simple.
So, 59 here I come! Let's do what we can to lighten the load of those who will follow.