Thursday, February 21, 2019

This Kind Of Stunt...

First off, and let me be very clear...

I know that I am not an American gay man of African descent, nor would I ever pretend that I would have the slightest clue of what it must be like to walk through this world in those shoes, observing it through those eyes, that filtre.

I am, however, a human being with a general understanding of right and wrong.

As we watch the facts unfold, revealing that Jussie Smollett orchestrated this staged attack, the questions become why and how will this affect future victims of real and actual, factual attacks?

To plan, and carry out a fake attack, to waste the resources of the police department, these actions in and of themselves are abhorrent, but then to dress it up as a homophobic, racially charged hate crime is disgusting.

To go on national television to evoke sympathy, to add a "noose around the neck" for added drama, that, I think goes beyond... I don't even know what.

I can't imagine that he is oblivious to the historical significance of what a noose implies. How could he be?

So then, why? From what the police say, it was an attempt to boost his career and salary on the show he currently stars in.

As an independent author, I understand the necessity to promote yourself, what you do, what you produce. What I don't understand is taking that to a level that hurts others.

This kind of stunt is the stone in the pond. The ripples will touch future victims for the foreseeable future. For the real victims afraid to come forward for fear of not being believed, what does this do to them? For the victims who have been brave enough to speak up, will those they have told now have doubts planted?

Because of one person's elaborate, self-serving action, those who really do suffer at the hands of hate will be the ones to pay the real price.

What would you have to tell yourself to make this kind of thing okay within your own mind? Within your own conscience? Your soul?

Today, I hurt for the real victims.


Until next time...

May you see all humans as equal in their worth, before class, before clicks, from the time of their first breath.
May you see all humans as equal in their worth, no matter where they are from, the colour of their skin, who they love, from birth until death.

May we all understand that our successes should never rely on the suffering of another, for people are not stepping stones on which to tread.
May we all understand that our dreams are never more important than that of another, our actions, our words count, they ripple, they spread.


Saturday I will be selling and signing books at the Winter Festival at Danceland in Watrous, Sk.

See you there!

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