Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Sun Still Rises, Shining On Us All...


First, I can't ignore the puffy orange elephant in the tiny tiny room.

I'm confused.

Either the Mueller report exonerates you or it's total bullshit. It can't be both.

I'm just a person, but in reading the report, here is my take.

Incompetence at trying to perform, at worst illegal, at best, shady as hell, acts is not equivalent to innocence.

Staying just this side of being prosecutable should not be the goal. Should it?

I will be very interested to hear what Mr. Mueller himself has to say. In his own words.

Truth is stubborn and persistent. It is not shy. It demands recognition. It always comes out to play in the light. You can't hide from it, it finds you, no matter where you live, whether it's a golden palace or a tent.

Truth is always hardest to accept when it goes against expectation. That doesn't make it any less of a truth.

Truth can be tough to hear, tougher to process, but always, an inevitable relief.


In other news...

The sun still rises, shining on us all, no matter how, and if we vote. The sun still sets, and those who are fortunate, sleep.

Light and dark live in all of us, feed most, that which you want to grow.

There are people walking this planet with good intentions, there are those who don't. Sometimes it's hard to tell them apart. Sometimes, it's as clear as it can possibly be.

We are all figuring things out as we go, all of us.

Few things never change. Babies being cute, oceans being deep, poop rolling downhill.

Other things hate change but do it anyway, oftentimes against our will. Opinions, perspective, our ability to recover from a night out.


That about does it for now, life is supposed to be fun. Not perfect, but fun. Enjoy!

May you allow the truth, whatever it is, to move your perspective, change your view.
May you see some things are not up for debate, they are facts, they are what is true.

May we accept what is, not what we wish would be.
May the blinders be lifted, allowing all to see.

May we embrace reality, even if it's uncomfortable, even if it hurts.
May we take it in and move on, living in a gaslit bubble of lies will always be is worse.

Now, back to work...


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