Thursday, July 11, 2019

Feed Your Happy, Feed Your Sane...


Ahhhhhh summer, the time of year when freezies and popsicles create their own food group. Time to spend time with Aunties and cousins, doing things you don't get to do any other time of year.

Not everyone has a cabin to go to, a camper than enables exploration of our countless lakes, or paid holidays, for that matter.

It's all about making the most of what you can afford in the time available to you.

Creating memories is free.

Water fights and sidewalk chalk, bubble wars and evening walks. Backyard games and sprinkler fun, Tag, you're it! Now, I'm the one! Bike rides and movie nights, marshmallow roasts, and starry sights. Bask in the sunshine, dance in the rain, nap in the fresh air, feed your happy, feed your sane. 


There's an old saying that has been quoted and paraphrased many times. It refers to the philosophy that all of us have two wolves inside of us. The good wolf and the bad wolf. Which one becomes dominant? The one we feed.

I think this philosophy also speaks to our happiness.

If we are constantly bombarded with negativity, by whatever means, tv, social media, radio, if that is all we feed our souls, how is it even possible to be happy?

If we are constantly bombarded with sunshine and rainbows, we are still only getting partial information. How do we make informed choices doing that?

I think we should treat our intake of information the same way we intake food.

Let's start treating negativity like junk food. It's okay now and then, but you shouldn't consume it every day.


On a more serious note.

There is a news story that has been in the headlines in the past little while about yet another uber rich jackass. This one is a pedophile. I have a problem with the language used to describe the situation.

They keep referring to these kids as "underage women" What the actual hell is that supposed to mean?! They were not old enough to give consent, whether you put money on the dresser or not changes nothing. They are children, babies. Fourteen. Freakin'. Years. Old. Pedophile.

Child sex trafficking.

The fact that this even exists in our society, in 2019, no less, is disgusting.

If there is a hell, I'm sure he and his likeminded peers, have some prime real estate waiting for them. In the meantime, I hope Karma has a huge party in his honour, where everything, and I do mean everything, he has done comes home to roost.


May you celebrate the sun, soaking in the warm.
May you enjoy every moment, every blue sky, every rainstorm.

May your wet wipes be wet enough to wipe every melted cone.
May you remember to take all in, and not all through the lens of your phone.


Until next time...

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