Thursday, December 5, 2019

Canadian Bathroom Graffiti...#youmatter...


"Please do not lose hope. You Got this!"

"Have faith and be good to yourself" #youmatter

This, my friends, is an example of Canadian bathroom graffiti.

With all of the divisiveness going on in the world right now, it does the heart good to walk into a public washroom in the middle of Saskatchewan for a quick pitstop, and find this level of kindness gracing a bathroom stall. 

We get hit with the horrors of what we are capable of on a daily basis. The good things, the kindnesses, usually get buried, well behind all of the breaking news.

Breaking news. 

A term that used to refer to articles of current events that were so important they couldn't possibly wait.

Now, when you see the banner come across your screen, you know the 'breaking' means heartbreaking. It no longer means urgent, at least not most of the time. It just means someone did something soul-crushing to someone else.

If we want to see the good stuff, we have to find it ourselves. 

On social media, there are countless videos of strangers literally giving the clothes off their backs to help someone in need. 

Out and about, there are, without cameras present, doors being held, cars being pushed out of slippery situations, sidewalks being anonymously shoveled, drive through orders being paid for, treats being shared.

There are people donating clothes, food, and money to those less fortunate. 

There are people doing incredibly noble, selfless things. Donating time, blood, bone marrow, organs.

Humanity has a great capacity for extraordinary kindness. We've proven, throughout history, that our instincts tend to lean heavily toward taking care of each other as opposed to taking each other down. 

There are those out there that test that theory on a fairly regular basis. Those driven by fragile egos and greed. But, if you look back, even though they sometimes rise to the top of whatever pile they are climbing, they rarely stay there for long. There are a few exceptions, but those are cases wherein they remain unchallenged, unaccountable.

When unfettered ego and greed are the dominant characteristics of any kind of leader, teachers, coaches, clergy, politicians, it becomes a test as to how quickly humanity can right the ship. 

Apathy can not be an option.

If you came around a corner to discover someone hitting a child or kicking a puppy, would you just walk by, or would you do step in to stop it?

Racist jokes, mean-spirited gossip, exclusion, abuses of power, it's all kicking puppies. 

None of us is perfect, none of us do the right thing 100% of the time, that is one of the few things in life that is a certainty.

But, when you pay attention, when you catch yourself making those choices about walking by, #youmatter

Whether, in this story, you are the passerby, or the puppy, #youmatter.

If you look at this scenario and see yourself in the position of the kicker, it's time to take a long look in the mirror because #youmatter.

Humanity has a great capacity for extraordinary kindness. We've proven, throughout history, that our instincts tend to lean heavily toward taking care of each other as opposed to taking each other down. 



May we all work hard to prove, every day, that humanity is better than what we see in the news.
May we remain openminded, fluid in our mindset, willing to grow, considering others' views.

May we never choose apathy out of fear, fear of discomfort, fear of judgment, fear of aftermath.
May we find the courage to intervene, step in, speak up, accepting the possibility of wrath.

May we show those who will follow us, this moment in history was more than vicious chatter.
May you take your place in history's pages knowing you count, your voice counts, #youmatter.


There is still time to fill the stockings of those you love with stories! 

To purchase books click here:

For the digital version of Once Broken click the link below:

Once Broken by [Reid, Margy]

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