Saturday, July 18, 2020

Karen, Just Explain Why...


Sooooooo, how's your summer going? Are you doing okay?

With all that is going on, what with the Whitehouse occupant taking time between golf games to ramble on about showers and dishwashers, to take bean selfies, and threaten schools. Then there's the strange repulsion some folks are experiencing. It's a repulsion of protecting themselves and others by simply by wearing a piece of harmless cloth. That's just weird.  Aaaaaand as this is all going on, there is the added terror of the horrifically bizarre militia crap going on in Portland. That, my friends, is scary as hell. Aaaaaand then there is this. Not as much of a threat to society, but, still...

The 'Karen'.

These women, although I've seen some evidence of 'Darrens' as well, have somehow indoctrinated themselves as overseers of all things.

Sadly there is usually a racist undertone, but, not always.

They seem to believe that they have every right to ask for, and expect from complete strangers, copious amounts of personal information. This includes where they were born, where they currently live, why they are walking, why they feel the need to be places, talk to people, or do things. 

It seems their go-to move when these complete strangers have the audacity to refuse to provide requested information, is to call 911. 


Most of these women seem to be middle-aged white women.

I'm 54, so white I'm basically translucent, and I don't' get it either.

My first question, of course, is why?


Calling the police under the guise of an emergency because you don't recognize someone who is walking in your neighbourhood, or because kids are playing, or someone wouldn't give you their address is so insanely ludicrous. 


Police will come with little to no information as to what is actually going on. They will come armed and believing the information from the call, which, 99.9% of the time carries all the truth of one of...well, anything coming out of Trump's mouth.

Why and how did you come to believe that you have been instilled with the right to bend the behaviors of, and/or extract information from people? From people who don't know you from a hole in the ground, for crying out loud?

Why does it seem absolutely impossible for you to mind your own damn business?

Just, why?

You will save yourself a lot of frustration and disappointment if you just come to this conclusion right now. 

Strangers will never ever owe it to you to bend to your bidding, They owe you exactly ZERO explanation. Oh, and, your comfort level is no more important than anyone else's. So, yeah. Just get over yourself, okay?


Well, folks, hate to ramble and run, but after four days straight of working 17+ hour days working with my hubby at our shop, where every day is leg day, three no-fun-at-all solo road trips through full-blown construction season, and a four day sleep total of about 5 hours, I've got to get to bed.

Take care of yourselves, and those around you, and for God's sake, Karen, if you can hear me, just... well, just stop it. You're making us look bad.


May you wear a mask when distancing isn't possible, avoid large gatherings, and wash your hands. It really is that simple.


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