Thursday, August 20, 2020

Umbrellas And Other Life Skills...


Ahhhhh, umbrellas.

Whether you need it to keep you dry or to stave off the beating rays of the summer sun, knowing how to work one is one of those life skills that most people pick up as they walk the planet. 

An unconscious skill. You know, the most basic of skills you pick up with little to no effort.

For example:

Tying shoes: maybe a bit of a challenge when you are 5 or 6, but a task most can perform as an adult without much thought or focus.

Propelling ourselves up and down steps and ramps. After about the age of 2, another skill performed by most, regularly, without much thought.

Drinking from a glass: Most have this one down before their first birthday, some needing to use both hands for a little while, but, again, without thought or focus.

Discerning between reality and fantasy. The average bear can make the distinction between what is real and what is not real by the time they hit kindergarten. They know when they are spinning a tale, when they are telling the truth. They don't have to put effort into understanding the difference. (Knowing whether others are spewing garbage is a separate skillset. Some develop a better BS metre than others. A topic for another day.)

Understanding the difference between right and wrong. Even with only the slightest hint of guidance, empathy, kindness, compassion and the desire to do no harm are things kids have instinctually and come to understand as toddlers. Skills that become automatic over time.

Basic skills performed on a daily basis without much effort. For most.

For others, not so much.

Case in point. Cheeto-in-chief.

Although I don't know that he can't tie shoes or, tie, period,  I've never seen him do it.

Ramps, well, that would be a big old no.

Drinking from a glass, apparently not without the promise of a standing ovation.

Discerning between reality and fiction. The thing about this one is he only seems to believe what bolsters him, whether it really does or not. Like this Q Anon crap. He believes their crazy conspiracy because they like him. He only believes things that stroke his ego. He spews utter nonsense. He attacks because he has no real defense for his actions. He makes up and then repeats lies hoping, in some way, that repeating them will make them true. Hell, it started with the obvious lies about the attendance of his inauguration and just got worse from there.

Understanding the difference between right and wrong. Oh, I think he understands it fine enough, I just don't think he cares. Kindness, empathy, compassion the whole idea of doing no harm are, to him,  inconceivable concepts. 

He is now, who he has always been. He wants what he wants when he wants it and will stomp, ruin, crush, and destroy anything that gets in the way. He will knee cap the Postal Service, he will make up horrible accusations with no facts to back them up, he will feed into baseless, ridiculous, conspiracy theories, he will set fire to your constitution, as long as it suits his purpose.

The leaders with whom he shares these characteristics, this utter lack of basic life skills, are dictators, tyrants, just deplorable, garbage humans. Why he consistently chooses to align himself with these leaders is equally baffling and terrifying. 

He sees himself as a King. His talk of a third or even fourth term, his declarations that the only possible way he'll lose the election is if it's rigged, his blatant voter suppression.

In his mind, he is without flaws, beyond consequence, and entitled to all things, without sacrifice.

In reality, he is a delusional, want-to-be dictator who, on his best day, can't work an umbrella.


This week, from the outside looking in, with conventions underway, a person can't help but be flabbergasted by the contrast between what is and what can be.



May you hold tight to your right to vote, no matter the hindrances hurled in your path.

May you see that even he knows he'll lose if he doesn't cheat, he's had someone do the math.

May you look at the calendar with hope, the time of this ranting delusion can be over soon.

May you make sure your vote is counted, when run over by a  landslide, watch him change his tune.

May you see he's not fighting for you, he can't care, he's simply afraid to leave the Whitehouse.

May you see the office is his shield from consequence, without it, they'll be forwarding his mail to the big house.


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