Friday, December 11, 2020

In The Meantime...

The top shot is compliments of my Honey, a view from the road on his way to the shop. The other shot is what happens when you tell Grandma you're bored.

Our tiny bubble still allows us to safely, at least for now, spend actual time with these three littles, and for this, we are very grateful. 

Well, we have officially invoked our Plan B for Christmas because having everyone under one roof, at this point, isn't an option. So a drive-by Christmas it will be. 

Although we are bummed about it, we are also extremely thankful. It is not lost on us that there will be countless families throughout the world dealing with the loss of loved ones because of this pandemic. There will be countless families around the world worrying about putting food on the table, and making rent because of this. There are people all over the world struggling with anxiety and depression and loneliness because of this thing. 

In our neck of the woods, the vaccine will begin doing its job next week. Healthcare workers and the elderly will have access first, this is as it should be, but that means, soon it'll be on the way for the rest of us. So, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, and, contrary to everything 2020 it doesn't appear to be a train. 

Here's hoping the vaccine spreads as quickly through the world's population as the need for it did. 

Let's hope that the proprietary nature of politics, the "mine, mine, mine" attitudes are set aside, and what's good for the masses trumps the selfishness. Let's hope the 'us before them' thing, is kept at bay. 

Let's hope humanity takes the lead as it should.

In the meantime, let's do everything we can to keep as many people we can from getting this virus as possible. Let's save as many people as we can from the pain that goes with it. Let's keep our bubbles tiny while we wait for the light to shine on us all. 

In the meantime, as we wait, let's do our best to help those who need it most. Whether we make donations to food banks, calls to those who need to hear our voices or goofy videos that make people smile. Let's do our best.

We got this, we just need to lift each other over this, the last of the hardest parts. 


May we get to the end of the tunnel without meeting a train. 

May we save as many as we can from experiencing any more pain.

May we find a way to put cheer into this weird and stressful time.

May we find a way to feel the cheer, really let it in, not to, would be a crime.


Until next time...


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