Friday, February 26, 2021

Cheer Like A Toddler Stripping For Bath Time!



Before the world strips away much of our unicorns, rainbows, and magic, we get excited about things. We cheer for things. We jump up and down for things. Little things like being allowed to play dress up, watching a favourite show, board games.

As time passes, the list of things that make us cheer gets smaller. This is just a fact of life. As adulting becomes our norm, as life becomes about obligations and responsibilities, as things we used to enjoy just become another thing to try and cram into your calendar, as life, in all its glory kicks us in the face, we tend to find fewer things that light us up in that way. Since this virus became the ultimate buzzkill, it's gotten even harder, the list has become pretty freakin' dismal. 

So, today, as I sit here putting these ramblings to paper, I've decided to cheer again. Even if I have to make crap up to cheer about, I'm gonna cheer. 

1. Curling is on. (Ladies Canadian Championship, known as 'the Scotties") I like curling. I'm gonna cheer like my kid is about to win an Olympic medal. Woot!

2. Telemiracle is on this weekend. (A Telethon exclusive to Saskatchewan that provides resources to people in need of improving their quality of life by gifting lift systems, customized vans, etc.) This is the 45th annual. They have found a way to put it on in a safe and creative way. They spotlight local talent. I'm gonna cheer like my firstborn just took her first steps. Yay!

3. Vaccines for this buzzkill are making their way into the arms of humans all over the world. My Mom got hers today! I'm gonna cheer like my grandkid just mastered Mozart on the piano. Yahoo!

4. The air outside is no longer so cold that it hurts to breathe. Does that mean spring is here? Not where I live, not even close, but it's a reprieve for sure. I'll take it! I'm gonna cheer like a toddler stripping for bath time. Yaaaaaay!

Don't let the world strip you of your Unicorness. Don't let life's challenges rob you of your rainbows. Don't allow adulting to steal your magic.

Nurture your magic, feed your unicorn, celebrate your rainbows.



May your rainbows remain bright, your magic, powerful, your unicorn strong.

May you find that pot of gold, bathe in it, for it's here that you belong. 

May you once again find your smile, the one you feel, not the one you fake.

May you find your reasons to cheer, start small, it's going to take the time it takes.

May the weight that sits upon your shoulders be lifted, even if it's only for a while.

May your tomorrow be brighter than today, keep stepping, life will get better with every passing mile. 


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