Saturday, April 10, 2021

Spring Puddles And Frost Bitten Paintings...



The days are beginning to warm, the nights, still laced in frost. Time for origami boats, and awakening to a car wrapped in diamonds. 

The puddles provide hours of free fun, if you don't count the extra laundry element of the whole thing. The diamond-encrusted car, though beautiful to look at, means it's still freezing pretty hard at night. 

Although we might be in for another snow/ice/rain situation over the next few days, making us rethink our decision to put winter gear into storage after the last storm, we are now but a few days away from the middle of April. So even if we accumulate a few more temporary snowbanks, we know this will likely be the last cold blast of the season. Right? RIGHT?!

Okay, that's wishful thinking wrapped in denial. Where I hang my hat, we have records of snowfall in every single month with the exception of July, I believe. Sooooooo, let's hope this will, indeed, be the final hit of snow and ice until after Halloween, and be optimistic. I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that a giant dose of optimism is what we all need. 

Speaking of which....

As more of the world's population becomes vaccinated against the crap that has been plaguing the humans of our planet, or at least the Pandemic faction of what trolls the planet, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. 

With every passing day, with every dose that makes it into the arm of another human, we get that much closer to the end of this thing. 

In the meantime, we remain careful, vigilant, and as safe as possible.

We really seem to be in the home stretch of this nightmare. The finish line is in sight. We can't take our foot off the gas now, if we do, we could slide backward, and that would suck for everyone.

We got this!


Oh, and another thing...

I've been keeping up with the Chauvin trial. If you aren't aware, Chauvin is the cop that killed George Floyd. 

I watched as witness after witness dismantled the defense, which seems to be trying to build from a foundation made of dissipating bubbles filled with the putrid stench of entitlement. 

In classic fashion, the defense continually tries to blame the victim for his own murder. Yes, it was murder, his autopsy says so in clear precise language. Homicide. Hard to misinterpret. 

This trial could drag on for another week or two. 

True justice is impossible. Let's hope for real accountability. Let's hope this is the first step toward actual change. 

Systemic racism is such a huge problem. Not just in the United States, but everywhere. It's huge, it seems overwhelming, it almost seems to be too big of a problem to fix.

It's not. 

It's going to take all of us. Everyday. Standing up and doing what we know is right. 

It's not going to happen overnight, but it can happen, it will happen. 

It has to.

We got this.


Oh, and one more thing...

Matt Gaetz. Another Frat boy that has ridden into power on his silver spoon of privilege. 

With every drop of information that trickles in, it becomes ever more apparent what a morally bankrupt pile of blood and bones he is. 

It's like he's trying to put together an application for the Jeffery Epstein school of Child Trafficking.

It's like he's auditioning for the lead in the Bill Cosby/Harvey Weinstein production of "Pervy Child Molesters" the musical. 

Another privileged male ruining the lives of young girls for his own pleasure. To pump up his fragile ego. To feel powerful.

Hopefully, Gaetz gets intimate with some real consequences, probably for the first time in his life.

Here too, lies a problem bigger than any one of us. 

It might not be 'all men', but it IS all women. It's ALL girls. 

Big changes are needed. Big changes will happen. It will take all of us. Everyday.

We got this, too.


Until next time...

May every puddle reflect a happy memory from your wildhood, your youngdom, the archives of the best parts of your soul.

May every frost-filled swirl make you think of crystal castles, icy magic, what is possible if we give breath to what makes us whole. 

May justice come to those who seek it, those who need it, those who deserve nothing less.

May consequence come to those who've earned it, those who need it, those who deserve nothing less. 

May humanity come together, all of us, every day, and stand up for what we know is truly and compassionately, right.

May we link arms, build strength, heads high, hearts in hand, souls shining, ready for the fight.


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