Friday, July 9, 2021

Living A Disney Logic Weekend....



The news these days carries with it things both good and bad. This, in and of itself is life, really. Good, not so good, and downright horrible.

I've decided that this weekend, I'm taking a news holiday, and, instead am going to live the weekend by the Disney laws of logic. 

According to Disney logic, I will spend the weekend frolicking in the forest with my adorable animal friends, singing semi-operatic solos, dancing to the music that magically echoes through the trees, and napping in perfumed beds of wildflowers.

You might ask, where do I find this incredible tome of logic? Where is it housed? The Louvre? The Smithsonian? The Museum of Modern Art?

The answer to these fabulous questions is simple. 

In my overtired, overworked, overstressed, overheated, menopausal mind, that's where.

Hence, the news holiday.

So, using Disney logic, my furry friends will be in charge of vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing toilets, cooking, then, designing and creating a custom ball gown just for me, cuz, you know, why not?

I will then be bestowed with some kind of magical power. Maybe I will shoot icicles from my fingertips, maybe I will turn into a mermaid when my feet get wet, or maybe I'll get a hit of dark magic and be able to turn into a giant dragon. Hell, I'd settle for not trying to spontaneously combust on a regular basis. Freakin' hot flashes.

*Whine warning!*

Hot flashes and heat waves are not a fun combination. DO NOT RECOMMEND!

But I digress...

So if you need me this weekend, join me in the forest... in the shade... singing and dancing with my highly intelligent, talking, furry friends.

Is it just me, or were the creators of these Disney movies high as hell?! I mean...

Or maybe they were just going through different stages of menopause... sweating like a swimming mermaid, cold and prickly at times, feeling completely capable of breathing fire, at times.... hmmmmmmm. It doesn't explain the talking animals, but hell, hallucinations can happen if you go long enough without sleep, right? 

So, off to the woods I go... See you next week. 


May you find yourself a field of wild flowers in which to take a nap.
May you frolic without hindrance, sing without hesitation, dance without giving a crap.

May you take a day or two, and really allow yourself to breathe.
May you see that it's actually okay to do so, Disney logic, page 52 paragraph three.


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