Thursday, August 12, 2021

In A Blink...


Soooo, this week was my eldest daughter's 35th birthday.

The anniversary of my initiation into Momhood. 

Having spent the past weekend at my Mom's house with my sister, knocking things off of her well-thought-out and thorough honey-do list, watching the Olympics, and having some spirited discussions on well-worn subjects, the realization of just how fast our futures become our pasts almost gave me whiplash. 

In a blink, I went from a little girl getting in trouble for getting into my big sisters' things to grieving both of them. 

In a blink, my little sister went from riding my hip, chasing gophers, and teenage shenanigans to a wife and Mom with a satisfying career.

In a blink, my three brothers went from boys making a career out of finding a million different ways to torture their sisters to men. Husbands and dads, each successful in their own way.

In a blink, my hubby and I went from baby-faced newlyweds to parents and grandparents with faces that tell the stories of our lives. Faces where the laugh lines outnumber the worry lines, eyes that have seen their share of hardships, more than their share of joy, and look forward to seeing whatever may come next.

In a blink, our four little girls went from our babies, learning the world, to grown, confident, kind women who walk through it with purpose. 

In a blink.


In a blink, society has gone from a horse and buggy world to one driven by megabytes and cryptocurrency.

In a blink, we've gone from news taking days or weeks to reach across an ocean to live-streaming globally in seconds. 

We've gone from phone book to Facebook, from boob tube to youtube, from comic strips to memes. 

In a blink, our world has gone from impossibly expansive and unexplored to barely a leaf left unturned. 

In a blink, our humanity has gone from making fire, to making art, to making war. 

In a blink, we will be somewhere new, somewhere we can't imagine from where we are right now.

In a blink, we will be gone, leaving behind for our great-grandbabies, a world. What kind, is as yet to be determined. 

In a blink.


Until next time...

May we let go of the hustle long enough to savor time.

May we see that being busy isn't the same as being fine.

May we take a beat, and take stock of the last couple of years.

May we hang on to the lessons learned, let go of the anger, the fears.

May we walk forward with understanding, kindness, it's more important than we used to think. 

May we see nothing is permanent, we control little, and things can change for both good and bad in a blink. 



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