Friday, September 10, 2021

Holy Trolling Batman...



After a week of rousing debate, both on public and private forums, I have some questions. 

If you don't want to wear masks and don't want to get the free, readily available, proven safe, and effective vaccine, what exactly is your plan to get to the end of this pandemic? Please don't come at me with the natural herd immunity theory because, frankly, just letting people get sick and die doesn't cut it. 

How, exactly, is ivermectin, even when it is the kind approved for humans and not horses, that is used to treat infections caused by parasitic worms, lice, and rosacea supposed to be helpful in the treatment for, or immunization against Covid 19?

If the sole purpose of distributing and administering vaccines is for some sort of government control, who exactly are they trying to control? For what purpose? Which Government? This is a global pandemic and vaccines are being encouraged worldwide.

Do you know that almost all of the asshats spouting anti-vax, anti-mask bull crap on all your favourite podcasts, tv channels, and streaming services have been happily vaccinated?

It seems that a common theme behind all of the yelling and protests is for the sake of freedom! For democracy! Well, in a democracy, the majority rules, that's the very definition of a democracy. The anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers make up about 26-30% of the population. The majority of people are all for masks and vaccines. If you are honestly fighting for freedom and democracy, then you should be fine with whatever the majority decides. 

Why do you think you have the right to hold the rest of us hostage? Your beliefs don't change the facts that epidemiologists and experts in infectious diseases continue to put forth. The vaccine isn't magic, but it is effective. Until this thing is nothing but a speck in the rearview, wearing masks in certain places just makes sense. Believe whatever you want. That the earth is flat, the moon landing was a hoax, 9/11 was some sort of inside job, that this whole pandemic, its treatments, the vaccine, are all some kind of global conspiracy so governments can track how many times you go to the 7-11, any of it, all of it. Go nuts. But you don't get to trap the rest of us in your crazy. 

What makes you think that your "rights" include protesting hospitals, blocking ambulances from getting in, and making immune-compromised cancer patients slog through your unmasked, unvaxxed masses to get to their chemo treatments?

What do you think your kids will think of your decisions 10 or 15 years from now, when all of this has been documented for history in indelible, irreversible ink?

Do the rights of others even factor into your thinking? Ever?

How about the healthcare workers' right to go to work unharassed? 

How about the rights of the service people you seem so determined to scream at for simply doing their jobs?

Why do you disrespect and insult the very medical professionals that will be the ones responsible for your care should you be so unfortunate to contract Covid and need to be admitted to the hospital? 

Have you given any thought to just how many people would have to be involved in the kind of conspiracy you believe in? It would be into the hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of thousands of people in on it, keeping secrets.

Do you realize how difficult it is to keep a secret when more than one person is involved?

So, let the next round of trolling begin! 


May we stop treating this healthcare crisis like it is something else.

May the veil be lifted for those who can't tell true from false. 

May the rights of the many override the "freedoms" of the few.

May the asshats be cursed with only being able to tell the truth.


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