Thursday, October 21, 2021

I Have A Question...



I have a question...

How is it that when someone walks away from their job because they don't want to get vaccinated, they are considered by their cohorts to be some sort of freedom fighter or patriot, but if workers don't want to go back to jobs where they don't make a living wage and are constantly harassed and abused by these same "freedom fighting patriots," they are supposedly lazy?

If you work in the public but don't believe in public safety then maybe you were in the wrong line of work.

If you are an educator that doesn't believe in science... well, come on....

If you work in the medical community but don't believe in medicine...


If you run your butt off in the service industry at least 40 hours a week, get yelled at or worse by "freedom fighters" at least twice a week, but still can't pay utilities, pay rent and eat without compromising at least one of those three things regularly, I get it.

Slogging away for less than a living wage is hard enough with just regular levels of abuse, but once you add all this other crap, there is no way it's worth it. 

Another question...

If you are a business that is refusing to adhere to public health mandates during a global pandemic, what assurances do we, the public, have that you adhere to other health mandates? 

What if you don't believe in washing your hands after handling raw chicken, because, you know, science is bad and stuff? 

Personally, I'm dumbfounded by business owners willing to shoot themselves in the foot over conspiracy theories and misplaced passion for diving down rabbit holes littered with deadly misinformation.

You work so hard to open, run, and keep afloat your small business. It's been tough throughout this pandemic, why would you make it worse... on purpose... and to what end?

The vast majority of people, also known as customers/clients are believers in science, and all of the steps needed to get beyond this virus including wearing masks, and getting vaccinated. I don't know that I would gamble the longevity of my business on them developing amnesia. 

They may just remember how refusing to co-operate with mandates dragged this thing out far longer than necessary. 

One more...

How much are you looking forward to not having to even think about this virus ever again?

I can't wait to not have to remember if I have a mask with me.

I can't wait to hug without a second thought.

I can't wait until logic and reason become the loudest voice.

I can't wait to get back to joy without weight.

I can't wait.


May all your post-pandemic dreams come true, whether it's travel, career, romance, family, or simple peace.

May you find, after this time of weighted anxiety, a way to find unhindered joy, find belly laughter, find release. 


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