Saturday, March 19, 2022

Ukraine...The Third Installment of Lessons In Badassery...

My heart, our hearts, hurt for the people of Ukraine. 

They are enduring a horror suffered by too many throughout history.

They are resisting, they are fighting, they are standing up, they are suffering.

Putin is evil, and he's vomiting that evil all over a beautiful people who deserve none of it. What kind of a human gives his word about setting up humanitarian corridors to allow civilians to escape the deadly bombing/shelling and get to safety, just to, then, attack those same corridors killing the very people the corridor was set up for? What kind of human? A garbage, sub-human, evil prick, that's who. 

Are the Ukrainian people the first to have to deal with such atrocities? Sadly, no.
Are they likely to be the last? Well, that just might depend heavily on how the tragedy in Ukraine ends. 

Dear People of Ukraine,

We, the citizens of democracies, need to do more to help. We are trying, but we need to do better. Our leaders are in constant communication with one another, trying to come up with better ways to assist. I wish it were faster, I wish it were more effective, I wish Putin would just get arrested already, and face the war crime charges that are inevitably, and most deservedly, coming his way. 

He's a terrified cowardly weasel, hiding. He's scared of those who prepare his food, and look after his day-to-day needs, to the point he fired 1000 of them and hired a whole new staff. Not sure how that would keep him safer, but, whatever. He's scared of his own generals, having several put under house arrest. He's scared of everybody, that's why in photos, during meetings, he sits at one end of a 30-metre-long table, with all the other people waaaaaaaay on the other end. 

He's scared because people have now seen behind the curtain. They now know without any doubt, what a small, desperate, tiny, little boy he is. 

They see the truth.

He is a pathetic, old man, trying desperately to hang on to his power. A power he is watching slip away a little more with each passing day. He's just a bully throwing deadly tantrums. It will come to an end, and Ukraine will be freed of his tyranny. It's just a matter of time. With any luck, it will be very soon.

I love the people of Ukraine. Putting a Russian tank up for sale on eBay was an epic move of beautiful defiance, and monumental badassery.  Keeping the Russian troops from advancing on the ground in any real way is incredible. Citizens, stepping to armed Russian soldiers holding a mirror to their conscience, making them face the reality of what they are doing. Making them see past the lies they are being fed by their leader. The incredible humanity with which they treat these same Russian soldiers, once captured. 

When in constant danger, when living in a perpetual state of fight or flight, when even the slightest moments of peace seem impossible, it must, at times, be tempting to give up. With no clear resolution in sight, with the endless nightmare keeping you from any real rest, it must feel, at times, impossible.

Please fight the feelings of hopelessness. Please don't quit. Please don't stop. Please don't let this mad man rob you of your spirit. Please don't let him beat you. Please hold on. 

When all is said and done, we will all watch together as Putin takes up permanent residence under some prison. Locked up like the rabid animal he is. And, we will then applaud his fall, his failure, his loss of power, wealth, and freedom. 

We will then raise a glass to all the souls who were lost, to all those who fought, to the entirety of the Ukrainian people, and every lesson of badassery they shared with the world. 



May this devastation be over very soon, without losing one more single, innocent soul.
May the people and country of Ukraine, somehow, someway, be helped, be made whole.

May the spirit of humanity come together to care for all those in need.
May we find a way to bring peace, soon, a spirit can not truly soar if not freed. 


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