Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Warrior, The Hero, And The Hypocrite...



What defines a warrior? What makes a hero a hero? What constitutes a hypocrite?

From what I can glean from the experiences I've lived through both alone and with others, here it goes.

 Just please know that I never expect everyone to agree with my take on things, nor do I believe in any way that I have all the answers. The most I ever hope for is that maybe one person can relate, maybe someone who might be struggling to fight their way out of the shadows will find something in these ramblings to hold on to until the light finds them once again. 

To me, a warrior finds a way to put one foot in front of the other, no matter what life throws at them. Does that mean they march through without damage, without tears, without scars, without pain, without rest? No. It simply means they don't stay down when knocked to the ground. They may lay there for a while, catch their breath, get help to get back on their feet, but they don't stay down. 

A warrior has strength that runs so deep, it can go undetected until it's needed. When you think you have nothing left, when it feels like you're on the receiving end of an emotionally fatal blow, when your soul feels shattered, and everything seems dark, it shows you who you are. In these moments a warrior's strength will surge to the surface, ready to be tapped into. Ready to help put that one foot in front of the other. 

A warrior knows when to rest, when to ask for help, knowing these are anything but signs of weakness.  None of us are an island. None of us were meant to face life alone. A warrior will let people in, have the courage to be vulnerable, know how to be a friend, and receive friendship. 

A hero saves. A hero knows when to help, and when to stand by. A hero needs no accolades. A hero helps because it's the right thing, even when it's hard. Heroes don't create chaos, they don't escalate, They anticipate need and fulfill it. It's not all pulling people out of burning buildings, or saving damsels in distress. Mostly, it's noticing when someone is struggling, and offering a hand up. Mostly, it's expressing compassion when and where it's needed regardless of social fashionability. 

Heroes save their applause for those they help to thrive. 

So, last but not least... hypoctrites.

Or, may they are least.

To me, a hypocrite is someone who loves to be congratulated for their fundraising efforts for charity, but shows no charity in their daily lives. 

To me, a hypocrite is someone who professes to protect children, but then, can't even be bothered to ensure they all get to eat every single day, their most basic need.  The ones who profess protection the loudest don't seem to have the slightest clue what children need protection from. 

They think drag queens in colourful, cheerful costumes reading children's stories to kids is something they need protection from.

Yet, they don't think our kids need protection from guns.

They think that queer children should be outed without their consent... for their 'protection.' It's absolutely dangerous, cruel, and stomps all over their rights to privacy. All this protects is their phobic ideology, making it easier to spread the hate and fear they like to vomit all over everyone.

To me, a hypocrite is someone who spouses anti-abortion garbage, but has no interest in helping support the children they are forcing people to birth. 

To me, a hypocrite is someone who weaponizes religion to wield hate of every colour under the rainbow. 

I think there is a bit of each in all of us... feed the ones you wish to grow. 


May we all feed our warrior, nurture our hero, and starve our hypocrite. 


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