Thursday, December 14, 2023

Finding The Funny...


You know sometimes, and I do mean sometimes, in life, we get to sit pretty. We feel solid with where and who we are. Sometimes, things go smoothly, kids are good, job is good, ducks are standing at attention, perfectly in a row. 

Sadly, I don't know of many people, me included, who feel that way the majority of the time. 

Most of the time, a lot of us feel like we are hanging on by our fingernails. 

Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. It's probably more like about a third of the time we feel solid, a third, hanging by our fingernails, and the final third somewhere in between. Something that remains imperative regardless of which third you're passing through, is a sense of humour. 

So, for those who are in the sitting pretty third... Congratulations on winning at life, even if it's not permanent. Soak up the easy. Bask in the glow of things going well. Glide along this smooth stretch unfettered. Dance through the melodic lilt of this "Ducks in a Row" symphony. Grab that brass ring, and hold on tight, either because, or in spite of the fact, that it has an illegible expiration date. Treasure the easy times, laughing because it's impossible not to. 

For those currently in the midst of a horrible fingernail hanging... just remember, tomorrow is another day, and if that turns out to be a shitty day too, there's the next day, and the next. Here is where I could throw a bunch of cliches at you. You know, it's always darkest before the dawn... yadda, yadda, yadda. I mean, cliches become cliches because they hold some truth, but when you are truly in the middle of a category 5 shitstorm, those heartfelt sayings can feel like the empty promises of the recently mugged Nigerian prince you met online and is in devastating need of some cash... quick! It's in these kind of times that your sense of humour can actually save you. Humour can be mined from almost any situation. It might be dark, it might be considered highly inappropriate, it might be completely shocking, but someone who is in the same storm, or one just like it, will get it. They will laugh as others clutch their pearls, and as you lock eyes, you'll know that you both will make it back to the sunlight. 

Last, but not least, for those bumping along in the middle. The ones with both good and bad coming at you in equal measure... you either have the best or worst of both worlds, depending on how you look at it. For neither the brass ring grabber nor the fingernail hanger are thee. You are existing in a world resembling a game of full-contact whack-a-mole. It's exciting, it's rewarding, it's pretty easy, until the giant gopher comes out from behind the curtain with a mallet of his own. Optimism dipped in caution is your friend. Find the funny in the light, and mine it from the shadows. 

So, here's to laughing until our stomachs hurt, locking eyes with those who share our penchant for plot twists, and finding the funny, no matter how deeply it may be buried. 


May we all find the giggle, the laugh, the chortle, the guffaw, the titter, the snort. 
May we mine them if they're buried, for that's when they are needed the most.


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