Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Shaky House Of Cards...



You know, there are people all over the world who are, right now, in real-time, suffering atrocities that they did absolutely nothing to bring upon themselves.

There are victims of war, famine, displacement, poverty, abuse, hate speech, racism, discrimination for being part of the queer community, and all kinds of violence. All of these people have zero culpability in the how and why these horrible things are happening to them. 

They are simply existing in the world.

Then, there are those who love to claim victimhood when they are the ones who singlehandedly orchestrated their own demise. And, the demise they have created for themselves really only consists of going broke and going to prison. Not starvation, not torture, no beatings, no rape, no fear of death, no punishment for merely existing, no forced pregnancies, none of the really egregious things that happen to millions of other people all the time. 

No, the only thing that is going to happen is lawful accountability.

Now, one of the self-proclaimed richest guys in the United States is selling shoes and begging people who live below the poverty line to bail him out of the mess he completely created on his own. If he had simply stayed living in the realm of the almost famous, he likely would have gotten away with all of his underhanded, smarmy, creepy crap like he had been for decades. But, he insisted on thrusting himself into the limelight, inviting scrutiny. Then, in his inept attempts to cover his clumsy criming, and inability to admit defeat, he committed more crimes, worse crimes, crimes that before now, no one thought a guy in the position he was given the honour to hold could possibly be capable of. 

There were those of us who knew. Who felt it every time we saw him on screen. Never having been in the same country, let alone the same room, knew. The hairs on the back of the neck would stand at attention, spidey senses pinging like the radar in the traffic control tower of the world's busiest airport. 

Karma can feel slow and lazy at times, but she never fails to come around and flex her inevitable strength. Eventually, the universe balances herself out, and those who perpetuate, participate, and continue to put toxic things into the world get the outcome they need. 

What is that old saying? If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime. Or, don't do all of the multiple crimes, in certain instances. 

If he is such a terrific businessman,  such an incredible genius, why has he gone bankrupt multiple times? Why would he not know that doing all of these stupidly horrible things would catch up with him? If he's so rich, why is he out begging for money? If he's so brilliant, why doesn't he flex enough intelligence to know when to keep his mouth shut, and not cost himself even more money. 

Even a baby knows if you touch a hot stove it hurts and they don't do it again. They have the ability to learn, to adapt their behavior in such a way as to not hurt themselves further. A baby knows better. 

As the rest of this shaky house of cards falls, and the last of the emperor's clothes hit the prison floor, my greatest wish is that this will finally be the epiphany that the last of his followers need to finally see the truth about him. 

I'm sure there will still be the delusional few who will cling to the belief that he was somehow horribly mistreated, but I think they might still be hanging out on the grassy knoll waiting for JFK and Elvis to show up for the flat-earther picnic.



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