Thursday, March 7, 2024

So... International Women's Day...

             So this is what March looks like where I live... and no that is not a child by that snowbank that is my youngest daughter... who is 5'8" tall...Yeah.

But that's beside the point.

It's time to celebrate International Women's Day...

So let's do that, shall we?

I think, with that in mind, it's time to, once again, take a look at what women's equality means, and some of the fairly warped views some have about that.  

There are so many big things, big discrepancies such as bodily autonomy, wage gaps, public safety issues, and the blatant misogyny that still thrives in so many aspects of our lives. But, there are also the little things. The remarks, the judgments, the assumptions, and the under-estimations.

Why do we still live in a time when most of the medical research is done using men's anatomy and then 'adjusted' for women. It makes no sense.

Why are men offered  medications to numb the pain for certain medical procedures and women are simply warned that 'this is going to be a bit uncomfortable." 

Why are women still earning $.87 on the dollar compared to men for doing the same damn jobs?

Why is it assumed that every woman wants to have kids, or be married or NOT be single?

Why are so many men threatened by the fact that more women are finding happiness being single and not a Mom? 

Why are people still confused by the notion of women's equality? It does NOT mean we want to BE men, it just means we want to be treated with equal respect, have an equal voice, and enjoy ALL of the rights and privileges given to men.

So many strides have been made, but there are those out there who want to turn back the clock, stripping us of rights we have fought so incredibly long and hard for. 

Not all masculinity is toxic, but those infected, are most threatened by female empowerment and want to stop our progress, want to drag us backward.

We haven't had the right to our own bank accounts all that long.
It wasn't that long ago that we couldn't own property on our own.
It hasn't been that long since we needed permission from our husbands to make medical decisions. 
It wasn't long ago we couldn't go into a bar without a man.
It wasn't that long ago that we couldn't vote.
It was within my lifetime that abortions were illegal, forcing women, regardless of under what circumstance, or at what age they became pregnant, to either become mothers, give the baby up for adoption, or risk their lives in some horrible back alley 'clinic.'

We are sadly, still leaps and bounds away from the courts defending us properly against things like rape, marital rape, and other forms of domestic violence.

When surveyed, women's biggest fear from men remains that they will kill us.
Men's biggest fear from women? Getting laughed at. 

We have come a long way, but are so far from getting to where we need to be.

Until women are able to stop taking precautions every time they leave the house.
Until we are as safe as men are in public, no matter where we are or what we are wearing.
Until we get paid at the same level.
Until we have the same bodily autonomy as men.
Until we stop being followed, having cameras shoved up our skirts, rubbed against, groped, forced into unwanted conversations, or made to feel we owe you our time, attention, or affection.

Until we can eliminate these things, we arent' there yet. 

We need to get there for our daughters, for our granddaughters, and for our sons and grandsons, because true equality is fantastic for all. 

No meaning no isn't good enough.
Coerced consent is NOT consent. Enthusiastic consent is the only kind that counts.


May we teach our littles a better way to interact.
May we teach them core respect is the only way, no other way to be, no other way to act. 

May we save them from the work of unlearning the toxic things we were told.
May they become adults immune to the poisons we were all sold.




  1. As a man in the workforce you claim international womens day etc…. Which is great…. So why is it women in the workforce say thats not my job….. its a mans job… when it suits females…. When its to heavy… to cold …. Not my job when its too dirty?
    I fully agree with equal pay etc…. But when the excuses are non stop because i cant lift it or move it because its to heavy…. Thats a mans job….. then what…. Its more the same…. Per body weight….woman vs man is not comparable…..
    But yet its all about equality when it suits the situation …… curious

  2. Cant have it both ways right??
    Women are beautiful and deserve equal pay… all that good stuff…. Genders are not built the same…. All is good if women can lift and move heavy product etc as a man can …. If not well… then what…. Its a sexist problem…. And as usual… men get tossed under the bus because of a few…..
    Its not right
