Friday, May 31, 2024

One Down... More To Come...


So the Grand Orange Cheeto was found guilty. Thirty-four felony counts, guilty on all of them. When the verdict came down and was read, I found myself not bathed in joyful celebration like I predicted I would, instead, the feeling that washed over me was relief. 

Relief that accountability is possible. Period. Relief that even though it feels like some people get away with being horrible humans for decades without consequence or any kind of remorse, justice can happen. Relief and belief that this is just the beginning. Precedence has now been set so that future "untouchables" can, indeed, be touched... hard. 

The sentence handed down for these particular convictions could end up landing anywhere from harsh prison time to a mere slap on the wrist. Thoughts are that it will likely fall somewhere in the middle. The important thing is that there will be one. How time will be spent will be dictated. Wings will be clipped. 

This also speaks volumes to other countries with  Cheeto wannabes trying to flex their imaginary muscles, testing the waters with their anti-woke, women's right-stripping, Queerphobic, maybe-we'll-just-keep-your-pension-til-you're-70, privatizing medical care, wink & nodding at the idea of shredding our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and refusing to denounce white supremacy groups. It tells them that there are still rules of decency that we need to live by. It shows that there are consequences for crapping all over democracy. 

Upcoming trials will further test the stamina, the strength, and the fortitude of certain law and order institutions. They will push the limits on what cult followers are willing to swallow and believe. Upcoming elections will test us as voters. What are we willing to lose? Do we want ALL of our kids to be safe, happy, warm, accepted, fed, clothed, cherished and loved? Do we want women to be able to continue to decide when, if, and how they may want to become mothers? Do we want our healthcare to become like our neighbours' south of the border, where you can lose your house because you were unfortunate enough to get sick? 

The choices are up to us. The possibilities are endless. The skies, our only limit. 

This was the first criminal trial. The first.

One down... more to come...

Bring it. We're ready.


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