Thursday, June 13, 2024

Happy Father's... Um... Dad's Day!!!!



Happy Father's Day to all the people who are able to cross the threshold from father to Dad. 

When it comes to being a Dad, biology has little to do with it. DNA may make you a father, but how you spend your time, makes you a Dad. 

If your kids can feel safe talking to you about ANYTHING, you are a DAD.

If you are willing to sacrifice toys to put food on the table, you are a DAD.

If you are willing to, even after a long brutal day, go bug hunting in the backyard, you are a DAD.

If you are able to tell your kids how proud you are, how much you love them, never leaving without a hug, you are a DAD.

If you give you kids space to make mistakes, and are still there to catch them when shit happens, you are  a DAD. 

If you can apologize for your mistakes, sincerely, and truly learn from them, you are a DAD.

If your kids know that no matter what time, where, or how, if they need you, you will drop everything and do everything in your power to do what needs to be done, you are a DAD. 

If you are a good example of how to treat others and how you should allow others to treat you, you are a DAD.

If your kids and grandkids can be the most complete and authentic versions of themselves around you without masking, or hiding any part of who they are, and feel not only safe, but loved and protected, you are a DAD.

If your 10-year-old granddaughter feels safe telling you all about her puberty info health class including what, how, and why, the subject felt uncomfortable, looking for reassurance, and you give it without hesitation,  you are not just a Dad, you are Grand-Dad. 

So to all the DADS out there, the single ones, the not-single ones, the shared-custody ones, the ones to whom this is second nature, and the ones who have to work at it... hard... Happy Dad's Day.

It's not always going to be easy... because it's not supposed to be. You are helping to guide a human(s) through the treacherous journey of growing up. You are trying to teach them the things you feel they need to know to do it well, all while doing your best not to do irreparable damage of any kind by spilling your own childhood trauma into the mix. That's it... no big deal...No pressure. 

To my Honey, who is all the things a DAD needs to be, and then some, just know you are loved, appreciated, and are a great DAD.  

If you are lucky enough to have a DAD in your life, make sure he knows how much he means to you. 


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