Friday, March 27, 2015

What?! Underwear Is Not A Hat?!


Toddlers are my heroes.

They are fearless, full of confidence, never second guessing any decision. They are completely oblivious to the opinion of others, instinctual and incapable of telling any real lie.

I've always been a firm believer that we have way more to learn from toddlers than we can ever teach them.

Living life without fear..............

I've learned so much about living life this way as I make my way along this writing journey and everything it entails. I still have a long way to go, but I am learning. Just so there is no misunderstanding, living without fear, for me, does not mean living thoughtlessly or recklessly. Not at all. For me, it simply means to never let fear get a vote in any decision I make.

When weighing a decision, fear can be that loud, obnoxious guy in the meeting, thinking his opinion is somehow more important and wiser than any other in the room, so he is persistent and always speaks at the highest volume humanly possible.

Just because he is the loudest, does not make him right.

I think back to decisions I have made out of fear. Not one had a positive outcome.

When we are making decisions, especially the big ones that life inevitably throws our way, I think it's very important to differentiate between fear and caution. Caution is reasonable, instinct is awesome. Fear, on the other hand, is irrational.

Fear would have you believe that the worst case scenario is the only scenario. Fear will fill you with self-doubt, and try to convince you that you could never survive failure, that failure is the absolute worst thing that can happen to you.

That, my friends, is a load of crap.

Caution, on the other hand, is where your instincts live, and is besties with your soul. Caution takes hold when the little hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, or you get that deep guttural feeling when in a certain situation or meeting someone.

Caution is on your side, fear is useless.

Failure is not the worst thing. It's not even in the top ten of worst things that can happen. What does failure even mean, anyway.  That something didn't work?  Another load.

If you have given something 100% of yourself, then failure is not even possible.

If you have done everything, that you, in your deepest soul searching moments know you can do to make something work, and it doesn't, that, my friends, is not failure. It was simply a situation  put in your path to teach and guide you, to lead you in the direction you are meant to take.

Failures can only ever come from half hearted efforts, or never trying to begin with.

Toddlers are my heroes......the masters of living without fear...............................

As for the past week..................

It's been another busy one, for sure.............

Spring is starting to show actual physical signs of showing up (knock on wood), which means a pick up in foot traffic for the shop......looks like things won't be slowing down any time soon! So grateful!

More music prep for upcoming weddings, (including our daughter's)..........

Some rehearsing for our show tonight..............................

Put some baking in the freezer for our daughter's wedding.............

Made a bit of headway with the books I'm writing...........

As for the upcoming week.............

Karaoke show tonight...............

Visit with my mom tomorrow...........

Do an estimate on a trailer on the way home on Sunday............

Month end at the shop....................

Write, write, write............

Bake, bake, bake..............(wedding)

Get ready for Easter, (kids might all make it home!)

Well, that about does it for another week, thanks so much for taking the time to read these ramblings each week, it means more than you know...................

May all that is truly important be given centre stage, spotlighted, be made the star of the show.
May all else become the simple set, ever-changing, for we really can't take it with us when we go.

May life's focus become kindness toward others, both strangers and those dearest to our hearts.
May we remember the power of a smile, and use it, abuse it, spread the joy it imparts.

May all joy given, come back with such force it sweeps you off your feet.
May you wrap yourself in it's delights, you deserve it, your very soul's happy treat.

Until next time.....gotta run

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