Friday, October 19, 2018

Gotta Nurture The Goofy...


Well, I came back from my news vacation. For a day. For a very bad day.

The gruesome details of Mr. Khashoggi's murder were enough for me to extend it a bit longer.

Please don't assume it's because I don't care, or want to bury my head in the sand. Because it's not.

At this point, it's about emotional survival. The daily bombardment of corruption, violence, hate and the ever-expanding umbrella of cruelty under which we seem to be willing to live is beginning to drain my goofy.

I can't let that happen.

I'm now on a mission to replenish what's been drained, then nurture my goofy not only back to health, but grow it and share it with as many as I can. For as long as I can.

I can't promise that I won't still vent about things I can't shake off, things that grab me and/or piss me off. I'm just saying that, for now, I need to brighten it up for a bit. Too much darkness isn't good for anyone. 

It's Tradeshow season!!!

It still feels pretty surreal at times, that this is what I get to do. Meeting folks, and having them be willing to spend their hard earned money on words I've written is pretty incredible.

At these events, I sometimes get to meet those who are sitting at the edge of their own dreams. At times they are looking for advice, at times they are looking for encouragement, at times they are looking for some form of permission. Mostly though, I find they are looking for someone to listen, and hear them out without judgment.

Although a certain amount of common sense caution should accompany every dream, for the most part, all that stands between dream and reality is hard work, and the willingness to do it, obliterating any notion of comfort zones.

I'm pretty damn lucky.

Attending these events, getting to meet and hang out with so many shiny people, goes a long way to nurturing a person's goofy.

I highly recommend hanging out with the shiny people.


Well, gotta run, prepping for the show in Prince Albert tomorrow!

May you have ample opportunity to hang out with the shiny people, they are good for the soul.
May you allow yourself to look away from the trainwreck, for, over time, trainwrecks take a toll.

May you nurture your goofy, let it grow, let it shine.
May you embrace it, carry it always, let it out to play from time to time.

May you see that life is too short to take too seriously every single day.
May you give yourself permission, you still care, you just need a break from the weight.


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