Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's Not Funny.....At Least Not Right Away...


Well, we're in it now!

2019 is officially upon us.

Not to sound complainy, but I'm gonna. I'm gonna for good reason. Wanna know why? 'Cuz it's not least, not right away.

It's not funny.

It's not funny to have menstrual cramps and hot flashes at the exact. same. friggin'. time.

It's not funny to try to write books, do the books for the shop, and book wedding gigs when sleep avoids you like it owes you money and your brain is functioning at the capacity of an ADHD meerkat tripping on a combination of sugar, caffeine, LSD, and weed.

It's not funny playing 'why did I come into the kitchen' and 'hide the pimple' on the same day.

It's not funny trying to find a movie that suits the current mood for a tearjerking, poignant, romantic comedy musical that blows crap up, has awesome fight scenes, but also finishes with an epic, satisfying, happy ending.

It's not funny when the verbal filtre, the filtre whose single, one, and only job is to distill the words and tone that spew from the mouth becomes possessed by some freaked-out, dark, mean, sarcastic a**hole demon.

It's not funny, at least not right away. Thankfully, and luckily, both my DNA and that of my hubby were generously marinated in humour before being strung together to create who we are.

Over time and through many crap storms, that marinade has carried us through.

Gotta love a good marinade.


So, hot flashes and all, we are off and running into the new year.

I'm looking forward to whatever it has to offer, the opportunities it will provide, and the inevitable surprises it will bring.

I'm sure it won't be without challenges... but that's why we have the marinade... oh...and vodka...that is also why we have vodka.


Oh, I almost forgot. New Year's Resolutions.

Keep the a**hole demon in check. If found not to be possible, waterboard the b*tch with tequila.

The end.


May your new year bring you peace of mind, bring you joy, bring you bliss.
May you have a blast creating new memories, new adventures, from the heart, I wish you this.

May any and all stumbling blocks create a pratt fall from which a giggle can be extracted.
May you allow the humour to be your lifeline when crap storms hit, and life feels fracted.

May you understand that it's okay to laugh in the face of darkness, not just okay, but paramount.
May you see that love and laughter are our reasons for being, let every hug and every giggle count.


I have room for a few more school/library/event bookings. Just let me know what dates you might be interested in!

In the mean time....   

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