Friday, August 16, 2019

Sometimes You Just Need Is A Midnight Walk And A Cookie...


There is so much going on, sometimes it's hard to find peace.

The shootings, the greed that keeps them from stopping, the double talk, the lies, and the lack of logic that drives them.

The growing boldness of racism. The seeming confusion of its definition. Just because you aren't actively burning crosses on people's lawns, or lynching them in trees doesn't mean it isn't racist.

I had a friend, a Trump supporter, ask me to cite one instance in which he showed racist language or actions. I listed several, both past and present.

Her defense then turned to the old adage of "every time you disagree with someone of colour, you're labeled a racist."

This is why that is bull. He's a racist.

You don't have to do a lot of research to have that fact become blatantly clear.

His policies- how many blond, blue-eyed people are being detained and stripped from their children.
Do you honestly believe all illegal immigrants are brown?

His history- trying to keep people of color from renting his properties, the whole Obama birther issue, the central park five, and those are just the top three.

His words- "infestation", "invasion", "go back from where you came", "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here? We should have more people from places like Norway." Referred to a Latina Miss Universe as "Miss Housekeeping." "Look at my African-American over here,. Look at him." "These aren't people, these are animals." The list is endless, and makes me sick to my stomach.

Disagreeing with someone of colour doesn't make you a racist. Being a racist makes you a racist.

I'm not asking you to take my word for it. All I'm asking is that you look beyond the burning crosses, and blatant use of the "N" word.  The language is slightly more subtle now, the crosses, cages filled with babies.

Conservatism is being redefined behind your back. It used to be a term defined by a commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. Straight-laced, buttoned-up.

What does is truly represent anymore? A blind eye to anything that will inhibit the lining of the pockets of the already rich? A guy who filed bankruptcy multiple times touting himself as some sort of savior for the blue collared folks who have generationally worked hard for everything they have, the same blue-collared people he screwed over in so many of his ventures? He does all of this, praising his supposed business prowess, all while working lawyers overtime on the taxpayers' dollar to keep his income tax returns from coming to light. Don't you find yourself asking why?

Why has he put so much effort into hiding information? Tax returns, refusing to be interviewed by Meuller, doing everything he can to keep others from testifying in front of congress, confiscating notes from an interpreter after a meeting with Putin. This list is also endless and almost as sickening.

After bathing in conspiracy theories, spraying himself down with the stench of racism, and caressing his delusions in the mirror every morning, he unlocks his phone, fashioning his 280 characters into what he thinks the new brand of conservatism wants to hear, dragging the dignity of his position through his sewer of lies. He feeds you shit and tells you its truffles, and you eat it up, asking for more.

It's comical how he tries to make people think that kneeling for the Anthem is worse than what he does

Conservatism is being redefined behind your back.

There is so much going on, sometimes it's hard to find peace.

Sometimes, you just need a midnight walk and a cookie. Tomorrow is another day.


May those who don't see it, come to realize we are all one race, regardless of levels of melanin, or place of birth.
May those who don't see it, come to realize that the thickness of your portfolio has nothing to do with your worth.

May the world become a more peaceful place, a celebration of cultural differences, with less "yours" and "mine", more "ours."
May our elected leaders do what they are elected to do, lead, doing what's best for all, not just the bootlickers of your powers.


until next time...

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