Thursday, January 9, 2020

One Hundred Seventy Six...Just Gone


176 people gone.

63 of those souls were fellow Canadians.

By 'accident'.

This was not an 'accident'. This was collateral damage stemming from aggression between our neighbours to the south and Iran.

The U.S. takes out a guy because of "imminent danger". Is it just me, or does "imminent danger" sound an awful lot like "weapons of mass destruction?"

Shift the players ever so slightly, and it's the same damn thing.

No proof of the 'danger'. No international intel corroborating any imminent  'danger'.

Was the guy they took out responsible for horrible acts? Was he a truly bad guy? Absofreakinlutely!

Was this breaking news? Absolutely not!

Taking him out had been brought up in the past, to a few different presidents, from both sides. Pros and cons were measured. The long term consequences always outweighed any benefit.

Now, because of this impetuous act at the hand of the Real Estate failure in the White House, people who had absolutely nothing to do with any of this are gone.

Families are grieving, are broken, are forever changed.

Yes, if it turns out to be correct, it was Iran's missile.

Did Trump University/Trump Foundation Fraudster really think that he would kill this cult hero, however misguided, of the Iranian people, and nothing would happen because he tweets that he is willing to commit war crimes if they had the audacity to retaliate?! He sent out these tweets more than once. They have since been deleted.

So, his theory seems to be this. I'm going to hit you in the nuts with a sledgehammer. If you dare have the balls to retaliate in any way, I'm going tear down your house, destroy all of your family photos, and burn down your family tree. If people you care about get harmed in the process, that's on you. I told you I would do illegal and horrible things.


One might think that there was something to that whole thinking things through, weighing options thing that actual leaders use. Hell, even "weapons of mass destruction" man showed more sense.

Then, this morning, at a press conference, instead of taking the opportunity to show leadership, he again, complains about how the media doesn't cover that he donates his salary.

Okay, the thing is, the salary of the President is $400,000 annually.
As of mid-November of 2019 the taxpayers of the U.S. have spent $115 million dollars for Trump to visit his golf resorts.

Do the math. That's about $38,333.333.33 annually.

$115 million. In less than 3 years. That's more than the Obamas spent on all of their family travel in the entire 8 years of his Presidency.

He also used this time to complain about not getting credit for using some of his own money during the primaries in 2016. The jury is literally still out on how much of the money was actually 'his'.

He has shown in the past that he has a very hard time distinguishing between what is his, and what he just assumes is his. Money, labourers on projects, staff, women, the list goes on.

So, because the guy in the Whitehouse can't seem to comprehend how the world works outside of reality tv, One Hundred Seventy-Six souls are just gone.

I miss a world where we could breathe freely.
I miss a world where kids can be kids.
The babies born in warzones are no less valuable than the ones I watch play soccer once a week.
Nothing drives violence like ego and greed.

I know. I'm Canadian. Why do I care what the U.S. does?

Borders are manmade lines drawn in the sand, put there by ego and greed. We are one world, one humanity.

What would it say about me if I didn't care?

I fear for what this person, the guy they call 'President', who seems incapable of learning anything, and sadly shows no interest in trying, will do to our world, our collective democracy.

It's terrifying to watch those who hang on his every word continually being fed poison, lapping it up like someone deprived of water for weeks.

I keep waiting for the lights to come on. The realization of who and what he really is to seep through the fog. I just hope it happens before they can no longer salvage the Republic for which they stand.

The U.S. doesn't live in a bubble. What the person who occupies the Whitehouse does affects all of us.

So, impeachment.

Truth matters, why would you want to stop witnesses if the truth is really what you are after?

The only people scared of truth are guilty ones.

I get why Nancy Pelosi is hanging on to the articles of impeachment. It's her job to do whatever she can to ensure a fair trial. If she handed them over now, it would be like a Prosecutor lighting a match to her case files.

I also get why Trumpeteers want this handed over now. If she does, McConnell and Graham, and the other caricatures of their former selves, can give Trump what they have promised since the beginning. To throw it out.

With total disregard for the evidence, that is incredibly compelling, even with the roadblocks thrown up by the Whitehouse.
Without even remotely considering the oath they take to be impartial and fair.
Without so much as a blink of consideration for the fact that the majority of American citizens want witnesses to be called.

Even Nixon's right hands had the presence of character to say enough is enough.


Moving forward...

May every truth come to light, and consequences land where they should.
May those who fear the witnesses ask themselves why, truthful information is always good.

May all who know the truth step up and speak, without fear, isn't that for what your Republic stands?
May all be open to the truth, all of it, weigh it, then may it be left in honest, fair, and steady hands.

May truth win.


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