Friday, January 17, 2020

When Cold Turns To Stupid Cold...


As Canadians, expect cold weather in winter. Where we are situated on the planet dictates it. We live in an incredibly beautiful country, both physically and in spirit. But sometimes...

We expect cold in winter, but, oh, and there is a but, there is a difference between cold and stupid cold.

We, as Canadians, try to take it in stride. You may notice funny songs and videos sprouting all over social media. The truth is, other than learning to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it, we basically have three choices in dealing with it.

I mean, we still have to go to work, some of those jobs being outdoor jobs. We still have to shop for food, run errands, and basically continue to live our lives, Thankfully, most school buses don't run when it hits -40, but the schools remain open.

So, the three things.

First, Suck it up. There are those with arctic blood running through their veins, spending time outside.... on purpose, even in this. The dedicated runners, the ice fishers, the dogwalkers, the skiers. These are a special breed of people. They have a small fortune invested in boots, coats, ski pants, toques, mitts, and scarves. Then, as previously mentioned, there are those of us who are forced into it You put together an Apocolypse-worthy survivor safety kit for your vehicle, always keep your gas tank as close to full as possible, and suck. it. up.

Second. Hibernate. I can't help but feel Netflix was designed by a Canadian from the prairies. With this option, you check the forecast, tally up your sick/vacation days, then, act accordingly. Deplete your pantry, get creative, settle in, and snuggle up. The stupid cold doesn't generally last more than a week. We know we can't avoid the cold completely, but the stupid cold? Hi-ber-nate.

Third. Get the hell out of Dodge. If you have the means, always an incredible option. Head to a place where you can snorkel in the ocean, lay on a beach, and wear shorts. Go where humidity exists in the winter, where tropical plants grow, and your spirits can't help but be lifted. Break up the shortest days with some filled with sand and sun. Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Dodge.

I wish, more than ever that I had some kind of superpower that gave me control over my hot flashes. Well-timed flashes would be pretty awesome right about now.


Soooooo impeachment.

So far, it's going pretty much the way I figured it would. Let's hope that the truth, all of it, sees the light of day.

Time will tell.


Until next time, keep warm.

May your furnace run as efficiently as your nose when you step into the freezing air.
May your toes, fingers, and nose stay warm and toasty, get through without one frostbite scare.

May we get through this stupid cold, back to just regular cold, where the air only tingles when you inhale.
May you get through, whether it be by sucking up, hibernating, or packing up and setting sail.


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