Friday, April 10, 2020

The Trees Might Be Naked,But The Sky Is Still Blue!


How is everybody doing?

Different parts of the world seem to be slugging through different levels of hell right now. Our skillsets, helpful... to a point. It isn't a simple 'this' happened, so I'll do 'that', my trusty correction move, and all will be well again. Coping mechanisms are being tested. We are all getting a thorough tour of the 'twilight zone.' All of us are getting through in our own ways. We all feel vulnerable. We all feel stripped.

All of our trees are naked.

But the sky is still blue.

If you feel ill-equipped to handle this particular brand of chaos, welcome to being human. None of us have gone through this before. All of us are figuring it out as we go.

If you need routine. Create one.
If you cope better with a less regimented day-to-day, do that.

Sing, dance, bake, craft, DIY, watch movies, hell, make movies... do whatever you have always wanted to make time for. Or don't.

I guess my point is this.

The sky is still blue. It hasn't fallen. It may have dipped a bit, but it hasn't fallen.

When we once again, get to greet our neighbours without hesitation, when we once again get to hug our grandbabies, when we once again get to walk around without measuring distance, we want to be able to enjoy it.

Covid -19 is powerful. It steals your breath, it steals your time with loved ones, it steals your security, it steals your freedom, and it, at its worst it can steal your life.

Covid- 19 is powerful, but it can't steal our hope. It can't steal our spirit. It can't steal our compassion. It can't steal our kindness. It can't steal our resilience. We can't let it.

When this is over, the world will have shifted. If you look back in history very few world events have had the power to create such a shift.

The most recent, I believe, was 9/11.

It changed the way we travel. It shifted trust on a global scale. It created a shift.

This will change how the world works. It will create a shift.

Maybe the shift that will happen will be a good one this time.

Maybe it will create more global co-operation. Maybe it will shift the priorities of those in power. Maybe health workers will be valued more, maybe the same will go for teachers, grocery store clerks, EMT's, janitors, garbage collectors, pharmacists, food delivery people, and countless other people who actually DO make the world go 'round.

When it really hits the fan, who is truly essential becomes blindingly obvious. Let's not let them be swallowed, once again, by the shadows when we get through this.

Yes, the trees might be naked, but the sky is still blue.

We may feel exposed and vulnerable, but our clear, shining hope will get us through.

Better days are coming.

Be ready.

In the meantime... please,

Reach out to- but stay physically away from your loved ones.
Reach out to those you know may be struggling. Even if it's the first conversation you've ever had, maybe especially if it's the first conversation.
Be kind.
Be patient.
Be the best part of you.

Take Care.

Until next time...

May you find a way through with as few scars as you can manage.
May you find and help those who may be at a vulnerable disadvantage.

May you find a way to smile, find a way to grin.
May you find a way to get to tomorrow, every day here is a win.

May you discover strength you never knew you possessed, never even knew was within.
May you find resourcefulness courses through you, merely lying in wait, for you to tap in.


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