Friday, April 24, 2020

You Saw It With Your Eyes...You Heard It With Your Ears...


In reading this, just know this is, by far, the most polite version of what poured onto the page.

So, as I sit here writing, I'm watching the guy who is the actual president of the United States, out and out lie about what he said yesterday. Yesterday, and I watched it live, the whole thing, he touted and asked his medical people to look into injecting disinfectants as a treatment for COVID-19. He went on to say it was something he thought was very interesting and powerful.  Also, he babbled something about finding a way to use UV light internally as treatment. This wasn't a fleeting mention, he drilled down on it for a few solid minutes.

Let that sink in.

At this point, I'm not sure which is worse, the ridiculous reckless abandon with which he wields his crazy theories, or the pathetic attempts at trying to erase his idiotic babblings.

You know there are going to be a troubled few that try it. Maybe some already have between the touting yesterday and the lying about the touting today.

When companies like the people who make Lysol find it necessary to put out statements explaining to the public that to ingest or inject their products would be a bad idea, having to reiterate the warnings on their packaging with the sole purpose of counteracting the words of the guy who is supposed to have the public's well-being at heart, that, in my opinion, is a real sign that the guy running your country is maybe, just maybe, swinging above his ability. (That, my friends, is actual sarcasm)

Okay, so he said it. There were witnesses. It was taped live, so there is video and audio proof. He. Said. It. All. Of. It.

So, today, because every SANE person called him out on his idiocy, he's trying to say he was being sarcastic to the media when he was talking about injecting poison. In other words, don't believe the fact that you SAW me pose these possibilities to the medical experts that were in the room, sitting to my right, (watch the face of the doctor as his verbal diarrhea took hold) to whom I was looking, and talking directly. Don't believe the fact that there was absolutely NO sarcasm in my tone. Even if you've had ample examples of how I use sarcasm, and have been listening to my different forms of it for years.

This guy is pathetic, sad, and, most of all, dangerous.

He suggests things that are risky, like hydroxychloroquine, which was never proven as a successful treatment and was found to be pretty damn deadly if the wrong people use it.

Now, this.

When his theories, which, by the way, he has no business saying out loud, are inevitably proven to be, at their most successful, wrong, or just plain insane as they almost always are, he falls into the "it wasn't me" defense.

It's like a toddler found covered in chocolate swearing with wide eyes that they hadn't touched it.

Does it make it any less true? Of course not. You saw it. With your eyes.

It's like a kid letting a curse word slip in front of Grandma, then denying it.

Does that mean it didn't happen? Of course not. You heard it. With your ears.

When this guy became president, I figured he would be bad at it. I had hoped he wouldn't be as bad as I feared. It turns out, he is so much worse.

There isn't a world leader out there who has handled this pandemic perfectly. That isn't even possible. But, by far, this vile, petulant, privileged, p*ssy-grabbing, morally and financially bankrupt Covidiot has been a nightmare, and no, my friends, that is NOT sarcasm.


May those under his spell break free of his grasp and begin to see what's actually in front of their face.
May you see him for what he is, a parasite who banquets upon the hate he creates among religion and race.

May we all get to the other side of this, losing as few as we possibly can.
May we listen to those spurred by science, not politics, you know, like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Tam.


Take care,

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