Friday, October 30, 2020

Happy Halloween!!!!


So, here we are once again. Another holiday, another tradition that's going to require some tweaking to adjust for the times we are in. 

Instead of bringing kids into the house to have them walk the line between a good scare and nightmares for a week, they will have their treat ziplined to them, outside, from 30 feet away. Don't get me wrong, I will still do my best to make it a spooky, borderline traumatic experience, but it will definitely be a challenge.

Outside, where I live, at this time of year, it will most likely be pretty cold. Let's just hope the wind behaves itself. 

With everything that's going on right now, this must seem pretty frivolous to most. Why am I worrying about trick or treaters in the middle of a pandemic, for crying out loud?

Here's why.

It's fun. We need fun. It might look different, it might require adjustments, but it's fun all the same. It's easy to feel swallowed up by the fact that we are going to have to work around this virus for months yet to come. We need to find pleasure in the goofy things, the fun things.  It can't all be about what we can't do. 

This weekend, let your goofy roar. You're allowed.


For our neighbours to the South...

You are days away from determining who your president will be for the next four years. 

The early voting numbers prove how consequential this election is. 

I have to say the measures taken to mess with the postal service, limit ballot drop boxes, close polling stations, encourage intimidation, and to just make it way more difficult than necessary to vote, period, are shocking.

This isn't something you generally see in a democracy. 

From the outside looking in, it's freakin' scary to watch.

A while back someone on Twitter asked what it has been like watching the past four years from another country. This is how it feels for me.

It's like watching your friend and neighbour, knowing they are being abused by their spouse, also knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You've made the authorities aware, you are there for support, and you will be there when they summon the courage to break free. 


May truth, real truth, filter through the noise so your vote can honestly represent who you really are.
May every vote count, every voice be heard, it's a right, not a privilege, no matter who or where you are.

May you vote for the one you'd like your children to emulate, the one driven by empathy, the one driven to think way beyond himself.
May you vote for the one who champions democracy, science, reality, equality, the one who will put conspiracies back on to their crazy shelf. 

May you vote.


Now, you'll have to excuse me as I go and put the final touches on my fake furry rat zipline and other creepy things! Bwaaaaahahahahahahahaha...

 Looking for a bit of fiction to pass the time? Check it out!!!!

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