Friday, November 6, 2020

And The Clouds Begin To Clear...



Well, what a decade this week has been!

The Americans voted, and the count is being completed all over the country, just like it has with every election since the creation of their democracy. 

The voter turn-out was incredible. Every democracy should strive for that kind of engagement each and every time there is an election. Only with incredible voter turnout do you get a true picture of the will of the people. 

The only surprise, thus far, for me, has been how close it is.

Anyone who reads this blog is fully aware of my opinion of the guy getting evicted from the People's house. It saddens me to see just how many people continue to believe his utter bull crap and spread of ridiculous conspiracy theories. 

Even today, as everyone is getting a real view of the writing on the wall, his spawn is spewing altered videos, and other complete nonsense all over social media. The grand Cheeto himself is, of course, playing victim, as he perpetually does, claiming that the world is out to ger him.

This narcissistic toddler is going to have trouble accepting defeat, this is a given. I hear on different news stations how his 'handlers' are trying to pat him on the head and tell him what a good boy he's been to basically keep him from trying to burn down the whole of their democracy on his way out the door.

One of his stooges, Steve Bannon, who, by the way, is out on bond right now, was on his podcast and his social media calling for the beheading of Dr. Fauci and Mr. Wray, the head of the FBI. Twitter revoked his privileges, and rightfully so. Very fine people.

He, and his ass-kissers have gotten their poor followers to storm counting facilities. They showed up all fired up yelling  "Stop the count!" in places he was leading in, and "Count the Votes!" in places where he was behind. These gullible people showed up, fired up... at first. Now they just look sad and disappointed because all they found when they arrived were people, equally Democrat and Republican, counting legitimate votes. When issues are raised with any given ballot, it is adjudicated, by both parties, and either cleared for count, or not. Nothing but plain and simple counting.

Yes, it's taking a long time. There was an incredible turnout, so there are more votes to count than at any other time in American history. 

The thing is this.

He can scream and kick his feet all he wants, throw around as much bullshit as he wants, but, this time, maybe for the first time, he's going to be forced to prove it. He's is going to have to bring forth real, actual, factual, proven evidence and prove his case like a big boy. 

There is talk that he will refuse to concede. 


Who cares?

Concede, don't concede, throw tantrums, don't throw tantrums, pity party your face off. Nobody cares.

The votes will continue to be counted, verified, and certified. When that is complete, he will be homeless, unemployed, and will no longer be covered by his government health care plan. He's an obese virus-survivor with ticker issues. He better hope that pre-existing conditions stay covered.

Probably for the first time in his life, he is not going to get his way, and there is nothing he can do about it.

A hard lesson to learn at 74 years old, but long overdue.

His presidency has never been about the people. Why would his defeat be any different?

He doesn't care.

His world ceases to exist beyond his wants. 

As I said, the only surprise about this election is how close it is.

This guy is a racist. There is a long, well-documented history of this being absolutely true. If you continue to ignore the evidence of this, that says a lot about who you are, and who you pretend to be.

This guy gives zero f*cks about anybody but himself. He proved this through his grossly inept non-handling of the Pandemic. People died who absolutely didn't have to. That's on him.

This guy is a rapist. He likes to deny it, of course, but all it would take to prove his 'innocence' is a DNA sample, yet he refuses. Why?

This guy thinks sexual assault is a sport. How else could you make sense of the explaining away of  "grabbing women by the pussy" as locker room talk?

This guy is a liar. He continually spews garbage without evidence, never finds that evidence then moves on to the next lie. Cases in point, South American caravans coming in 2018, the wall being built on Mexico's dime, Hillary being a criminal, Biden being a criminal, voter fraud, crowd size, healthcare plan, etc...etc...etc... If you still believe him, I have a waterfront property on the Moon to sell you.

This guy is cruel. On purpose. Deliberately separating babies from their parents. This in and of itself is cruel, but, to do it in such an inept way that you are incapable of reuniting them? That is, of course assuming that you put a task force together to do that to save these kids and parents from any further trauma... oh wait, yeah, you didn't do that, but guess who has a plan to do just that... Joe. 

This guy is a horrible person. You can tell a lot about the character of a person by the company they keep. Jeffery Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, 'wishing her well", Steve Bannon, Manafort, and the list of his felon buddies goes on and on. 

The weeks leading up to his eviction will likely be fraught with more of the same. Lies, tantrums, more lies, no proof, kicking and screaming because people require proof, sulking, more tantrums... but, eventually he will have to leave.

His next home may also be provided by the government. It has great security and three squares a day. He may have to get used to an assigned roommate, and the toilet is not likely to be made of gold, but I hear the showers are spacious, so there's that.

As the vote count trickles in, and the clouds begin to clear, I'm finding it just a little bit easier to breathe.  Through Joe's tone, his demeanor, there is such a calmness. I really think he's the right person coming in at the right time to change the volatile landscape. If anyone has the ability to take this divide of such stringent red and blue, one so strictly black and white and show everyone concerned that it is, instead, a country that will be happiest through compromise, he does. He has both the ability and desire to lead all the citizens, those who voted for him and those who didn't, through the extensive exploration of all of the beautifully diverse shades of grey.

I'm excited for our neighbours to the South. We missed you! Welcome back!


May the calm overtake the chaos, and all the doubters put at ease.

May they come to see he's not the monster that the Cheeto painted him to be.

May you take your own advice from four, oh so long, years ago.

May you give him a real chance, see what he does, don't rush to judgment, take it slow.

May you rest, really rest, for the first time in a long time, it's soooo well deserved.

May you allow yourself to breathe, drop your shoulders, you made it, over hurdles, around curves.


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