Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Mother's Day! 2021 Edition...



Well, here we are, the second Mother's Day of this pandemic, the difference being last year, we were where the nightmare began. There have been sooooo many plot twists since then.

Now, thankfully, we find ourselves at the beginning of the end.  We are very lucky to live in a privileged part of the world where vaccines are plentiful and free. 

If people could just bring themselves to stop pretending that any of this is political, we could race to the finish line without issue.

Sadly, some, for reasons that make no sense, keep trying to make strange claims about the vaccines and the pandemic itself. All of these arguments defy logic. All of these arguments have been proven, multiple times, to be fabrications. Even though all of these arguments are based on falsehoods, maybe even because they are, they attract a very specific swath of people. Unfortunately, this swath is next to impossible to persuade. 

The pandemic doesn't care who you vote for. It never has. The vaccine doesn't care who you vote for. It never has. The vaccines have been proven in real-time to be safe, the Pandemic has proven in real-time to be anything but. 

Are there risks with the vaccines? Yup. Do they outweigh the benefits? Nope. It's not even close. Please just talk to your family doctors. You put your family's health in their hands all the time. Why wouldn't you trust them on this? 

As a Mother's day gift to your Mom, or your Mom's memory, get hit with a little prick. 


Soooo, Mother's Day!

Nothing has filled me with more joy, more laughs, or more grey hair than motherhood. It's been worth every nauseous morning, every aching joint, every kick to the bladder, every stretch mark, every labour pain, every midnight feeding, every sleepless night, every planning of every meal, every heartache, every eye roll, every everything. 

It's been a journey full of snuggles, giggles, tears, pride, and awe-filled growing pains. It's been a journey of teaching the beauty of using your powers for good and not evil, a journey of helping to build self-worth, and fierce independence. 

It's a journey that is far from over. 

As I get to witness my daughters walk through life as these incredible, kind, empathetic, strong, smart, independent, beautiful women, my only wish is that they are as proud of themselves as I am of them. As I get to witness them be Aunties and Moms, I can't help but be in awe of who they are, and continue to become. 

Life has handed each of them incredible challenges. They have had to deal with loss and trauma that, as their Mom, I wish I could have spared them. Resilience, strength, and resourcefulness have become second nature to them. Good qualities to develop, I just wish they could have been obtained without such deeply, painful lessons.  

Being a Mom has been, and always will be the best part of who I am. My daughters are proof that we don't have to be perfect Moms to raise incredible people. 


Until next time...

May you connect with your Mom on this, her special day, whether in person or in spirit.

May you know you are the reason she breathes, every single day, feel it, hear it.

May you, if your Mom no longer walks this earth, know her love for you never fades.

May you know she watches over you, like she always did, in every single way.


You are only a couple of clicks away from a great Mother's Day gift.

Download "Once Broken" for your Mom.

An edge-of-your-seat story of a kick-ass Mom's journey to save her family.

Charlie is a soccer mom, leading the soccer mom's existence. Her life is filled with running to practices for her two kids, giving voice lessons, and, along with her husband Russ, getting through the craziness that is life, where family is everything. This is until their world was upended with an accident caused by her addict brother. An accident that led her daughter to a dim abyss, teetering on the threshold of death's door. This one moment in time pulls Charlie down a dark path littered with people and situations she would never find the carpool lane.
When you test the limits of what a mom will do for her kids, you will find out one simple thing, there are none.



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