Saturday, June 12, 2021

An Endless Sky, Both Ancient And New...


An endless sky, both ancient and new. A comforting constant wrapped in violent unpredictability. 

The colours, ever-changing, encompassing serenity and danger with equal fervour. Where you tread upon the earth changes your view, as does time and season. It will give you dancing lights in all shades of blue and green, rainbows of blinding beauty, tropical fury, and dark, twisting destruction that can throw your life in your face with unbridled vengeance and little to no warning.

The sky cares not who you are, where you are, what you have, or what you do.

Any delusion of control, we as humans like to entertain, is quickly dissolved the first time we try to catch a dropped receipt on a windy day. 

It can be easy to become overwhelmed by its sheer vastness and power.

It can be easy to become paralyzed by what could happen, what might happen. 

So, what do we do?

We do our best to waterproof our homes, we buy insurance, we batten down hatches, we board up windows, we take cover from the storms. We do what we can to keep ourselves, and those around us safe.

When the storm passes, we once again step out from the shelter of our safe havens and begin the clean-up. We check on our neighbours and start putting things back where they belong. 

Humanity is on the verge of emerging from our safe-havens.

Soon we will start to pick up the pieces and begin to put things back where they belong. 

Did we do everything we could to keep the storm at bay? Did we do everything we could to protect our families, friends, and communities? Time will tell.

If not, let's take what we've learned, and be better prepared for the next one, because another is inevitable. 

History is rarely kind, as the clarity of hindsight is often glaring. We never have to delve very deep to discover our mistakes. Many we choose not to see because of the discomfort it brings. Acknowledging mistakes is an essential part of healing. Acknowledging, onus and remorse.

Let's have the courage to embrace truth, no matter where it leads us, no matter the discomfort. 

Let's take each and every step needed to heal. 


Until next time...

May the storm clouds soon clear, allowing us to once again bathe in the sun.

May we find a path of healing alongside those we've hurt, from the truth, we can no longer run.

May the blatant reality of history be brought to classrooms, without filters, without spin.

May we take accept and take ownership of the story of the country we live in. 


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