Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy Daddy's Day 2021 Edition...


These photos were all taken on the same day. Welcome to Saskatchewan! Storm clouds, dust... whatever that was, and clouds looking like they were picked and placed in the sky.

This is June. Unpredictable. Days warm, accompanied by a soothing breeze. Days so hot you find yourself wiping boob sweat from between your toes. Days when poplar fuzz flies like a blizzard. Days so windy it makes it look like your deck was the venue for a barroom brawl. Days, each brought to life by sunrises so gorgeous they seem unreal, then put to bed by the vast, ever-unique, ever-changing, multi-coloured sunsets.

June brings with it the end of the school year, the official start to summer, and Daddy's Day.

With vaccines finally getting the upper hand, and putting the run on this nightmare virus, restrictions are slowly being lifted. A person can't help but become cautiously optimistic. 


In the meantime...

Happy Daddy's Day!

First, to my hubby...

With every passing year, and as the role of Daddy has shifted from being a toy assembling jungle gym, the puller of splinters, fixer of bikes, teacher of oil and flat tire changes, to the listener of heartbreak, the extinguisher of fires both figurative and literal, and walker of brides down the aisle, his true Daddydom becomes richer, deeper, and more full of pride for his girls.

He has always given them everything he could, both emotionally and materially. 

They've never had to entertain one iota of doubt that their Dad would have their back in any given situation. He knows his girls are not perfect, always celebrating and encouraging the fact that they aren't, even if he hasn't always understood their choices. 

Perfection is never expected. Being a good person, though, non-negotiable. He didn't expect them to never get into trouble, he just expected them to have a good reason. 

Soon he will be able to hug all his girls again, in person, under his roof.


But, it's not only Daddy's day for my hubby!

Happy Daddy's Day to all of the Dads out there. The single Dads, the bonus Dads, the work-away-from-home Dads, the stay-at-home Dads, the Dads through blood, and the Dads through heart. 

Have a Fantastic Day!


May you celebrate your Dad this weekend, for it's an honour not all can share.

May you celebrate him in whatever way you can, from afar, in person, or in the middle somewhere.

May those who will spend the day reminiscing, now celebrating their dads only through pictures and funny anecdotes,

May they find a way to do so through their tears, find a smile, bathing in memories of pushing swings and fishing boats.

May we celebrate all Dads and everything they do.

May we celebrate all Dads... even with the jokes, we love you!

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