Thursday, November 11, 2021

Because Of Them...

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Today is November 11. In Canada, this date is set aside to honour our veterans. 

Because of them, we have the privilege of complaining. And we do. About everything.

I find it disheartening when the freedoms so many sacrificed so much for are trivialized, used as petty weapons, deliberately contorted until they are unrecognizable.

Freedom of religion - so many seem to think that this only pertains to Christianity. Pushing to put prayer back into public schools. Unless you are going to include prayers from all religions, you are excluding people. It's not just freedom for Christian religions. It's freedom for all religions. 

Freedom of speech- this does not include dangerous, inflammatory speech. This doesn't include uttering threats. This doesn't include putting people in danger with false information.

Freedom to be equal- this means everyone has the same rights. EVERYONE. Gay, straight, trans, queer, black, brown, white, and any combination thereof. Adults have the right to be married. End of story. Everyone has a right to be safe. Period. 

Our Canadian war heroes come from a multitude of backgrounds, ethnicities, races, religions, and gender identities. A true representation of our great country. 

They didn't, and don't sacrifice themselves for the rights of only a few. They fight for all of us.

Not only Christians.

Not only English speaking.

Not only straight.

Not only white.

Everyone. All of us.

Please don't confuse oppression with inconvenience.

Please do not assume your freedoms are more important than the freedoms of others. 

Freedoms partner heavily with responsibility. We have to protect our most vulnerable. If we don't, what does that say about us?

If our Veterans are willing to sacrifice their lives to protect us, at the very least, can we not sacrifice the inconvenience of having to wear masks and getting vaccinated? 

Can we just stop with the homophobia, genderphobia, xenophobia, and tantrums when consequences come knocking for choices made?

If you don't understand religions or cultures outside of your own, either take the time to learn about them or shut up about them. You choose. 

If seeing LGBTQ people out in public, being people, bothers you, stay home.

If others' religious celebrations threaten you, you aren't nearly as strong as you profess to be. 

If the phrase 'happy holidays' gets you riled up... it just makes no sense, I'm sorry, but it doesn't. 

If you don't want to wear a mask... stay home.

If you don't want to get vaccinated... stay home.

It's simple. 

Protect our vulnerable. Live your life. 

Because of them, we have the freedom to complain. And we do. About everything. 


Until next time...

May we live up to your sacrifice, deserve it, never taking it for granted, forever grateful we should be.

May we come to fully understand the responsibility that partners freedom, as freedom is never free.


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