Saturday, November 20, 2021

Masterpieces... Who Decides?



"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  A phrase attributed to Margaret Wolfe Hungerford.

What constitutes a 'masterpiece'? Who decides?

There are obvious ones, Van Gogh's Starry Night, Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Wood's American Gothic. Then, there are the ones that become masterpieces, maybe not to the world, but to you.

If you threw a dart at a historical timeline, anywhere it may hit would have its share of darkness. The times we are living in right now are no exception. 

This pandemic has, and continues to take its toll on people. It doesn't discriminate. The ripple effects put in motion by it will be felt, likely for years, in ways that are yet to be revealed.

Will all the ripples cause negative effects? I don't think so.

I think there are a lot of lessons buried in the rubble, some of which we aren't likely to recognize for a while. 

In the meantime, let's celebrate the masterpieces that don't decorate the walls of famous museums.

A young woman forging a new path, claiming more of who she is.

A little girl snuggling her puppy.

That first real smile of a baby, the one that reaches all the way to their eyes.

The sun kissing the horizon, creating colours too beautiful to be recreated.

The northern lights dancing across the sky, endless ribbons flowing, glowing silk.

The perfect bloom of a fragrant flower.

A glistening lake, reflective glass allowing nature to show off twice its beauty. 

A couple, frozen in time, a precious wedding photo, love spilling from the print.

A teenager's grin as they embrace the freedom gained, driver's license in hand.


Create them. Find them. Appreciate them. Celebrate them.

You decide what makes the cut. 


Until next time...

May the hardships of this time leave you untouched, those stories left untold.

May the lessons reveal themselves when needed most, allowing their wisdom to unfold.

May we, as humanity, get to a space where true and complete equality becomes the norm.

May all who seek to sew hate, sew fear, be left to bear the wrath of their own storm. 

May they bark into the void, with not one single ear left willing to listen.

May those who continue to defraud the vulnerable, end up where they belong... prison. 


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