Saturday, February 26, 2022

Patently Pathetic Pusillanimous Petulant Putin


So this week we shift gears from the pretend fight against imaginary oppression involving the "Bouncy House Snowflakes" to the very real fight Unkranians have on their hands. The very real invasion by Putin. 

I don't say by Russia, on purpose, because the more we are finding out, the more we see that the majority of his own citizens are very much against this tyrannical move.  

You know the old saying that 'money is the root of all evil'? 

I don't think it's the money per se, I think it's the greed for the power money brings that is the true root.

Just having money doesn't, in and of itself make you evil, it's how you obtain it and later use the power it affords that dictates whether or not you are. 

Power gluttons are impossible to satisfy.

Putin, Trump, and the others like them, perpetually want more... and more... and more. 

They are bullies. They are cowards. They are emotionally crippled. They are empty. They are broken. They are impotent, either emotionally, physically, or both. They are pathetic. 

They lack the intellect and integrity to negotiate in any real way, the petulance with which they move through the world, palpable. 

They demand.

They demand loyalty. They demand blind obedience. They demand cooperation. They demand accountability for everyone but themselves. They demand indulgence of their delusions of grandeur.

They do all of this as long as they are allowed. 

They do this until...

Until protests like the one depicted in the above photo. A photo of Russian citizens protesting Putin's aggression against Ukraine, marching in St. Petersburg. Doing so, knowing full well what the consequences could be. 

A real protest... in a country that is a real autocracy. Protesting an aggression against a country whose citizens are at a very real risk of losing their actual freedoms. 

As it sits, the majority of the world is standing with Ukraine. Other than people like Tucker Carlson, his buddies, Trump and his bootlickers, that is. 

They do this until...

Until the rest of the world stands up and says enough. Until the world refuses to give in to threats. Until those who oppose these tyrants get louder than those who support them. 

Defenders of democracy need to get louder. We need to quit taking our democracies for granted. We need to quit assuming that good will always win over evil. It won't. Not by itself.

Democracy needs to be vigorously defended. Loudly defended. Relentlessly defended. Vehemently defended. It needs to be defended without fail.

We can't afford to get lazy about it. Obviously. Trump becoming president was a warning shot. Putin pulling this crap is a flesh wound.  "Freedom convoys" wherein organizers write plans to overthrow a duly elected government to replace it whatever their craziness dictates, show the willingness of the eagerly, tragically, misinformed minions.

Complacency will be the end of democracy. We can't let that happen. On any level.

That's why accountability is so important. For everyone from Putin and Trump to those who organized and participated in the blocking of highways, borders, and occupation of Ottawa. 

Too many lives have already been lost at the hands of Putin. People are fleeing from their homes to seek safety. They are hiding underground after running with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Children are, once again, at the mercy of adult stupidity. A child was born, thankfully without complication in a subway that is acting as a makeshift bomb shelter. 

For what?

So Putin can feel like some sort of conqueror? So he can try to satisfy his unquenchable thirst for power? 

Putin has two daughters. Do you suppose they are hiding in a subway without provisions, without comfort, without knowing where their loved ones are?

Somehow, I doubt it. 

We need to get louder. Relentlessly. 


Until next time...

We stand arm in arm with those fleeing and fighting for their lives.

We need to do more to help, real help, 'ammunition not a ride.'

We stand with those who are staying to fight Putin and his greed.

We stand with Ukraine, we have to give them what they need.

May Putin soon be sent home with his tail between his legs.

May he face all repercussions, harshly, no matter how he begs. 

And he will.


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