Saturday, February 5, 2022

You Don't Get To Claim Victory In A War You Refused To Fight...



What these 'freedom fighters' fail to realize...

This whole time, and I do mean this WHOLE time, this has not been a war of 

Us vs. them

The government vs. them

The science vs. them

Some crazy notion of some "one world order' crap vs. them.

No, this whole entire time the real war has been

Humanity vs. Pandemic

That's it. The rest has been a shit storm of noise and masterful manipulation.

The restrictions WILL be lifted. Because that has been the plan the entire time. They were never meant to be permanent, they were just one of the weapons we had in our arsenal to fight against this Pandemic.

They WILL be lifted... when the science says it's safe to do so.

No amount of convoys and protests change the facts. We slack off too soon, our health care system takes a hit. That's been proven over and over when restrictions have been relaxed too soon in the past. 

It's a balancing act, for sure, and no matter what you do, a faction of people are going to be pissed. 

We all want to go back to life as we knew it.

We ALL do. We are ALL tired, frustrated, anxious, and fed up.

But, if we jump the gun, we'll set ourselves back, and NOBODY wants that.

So, yes, we are close. The restrictions will be lifted, likely slowly, and not all at once, but lifted... soon.

The lift won't have anything to do with convoys, protests, harassment of health care workers, or screaming at other front-line workers about mask mandates.

No, we did this. We made it so this can happen. Those of us who did drive-by holidays, wore masks without complaint, kept our distance, sacrificed time with loved ones, got vaccinated, and all the other things. 

While you've been busy screaming into the abyss, and abusing grocery clerks, we've been out here doing the hard things, what needed to be done. 

You're welcome. 

You don't get to claim victory in a war you refused to fight. 


Until next time...

May we get to the end of this in one piece.

May the victims of the occupation get peace.

May those who harass, insult, and assault, take a breath, and really look at what they're doing.

May those who are being held hostage by this insanity get their lives back, released from what's brewing.

May those who somehow believe that their rights trump all others and laws, to them simply don't apply,

May they come to understand the reality of what they are doing, your freedom is NOT more important than mine. 


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