Saturday, April 2, 2022

Never Been So Grateful For Three Little Pricks...


So... this happened.

We were able to stave off this thing for 2 full years. 

This is proof that Covid doesn't give one single crap about how much time has passed. 

I can't help but think about what this positive test would have meant two years ago, before we became fully vaxxed and added a booster. What a difference three little pricks make. 

Today, it has meant feeling like I have a bad cold. I'm tired. I voice left me for a few days. I'm producing more snot than any human has a right to. My appetite is kind of nonexistent. But that's it.

No ventilator. No dialysis. No feeding tube. No heart, brain, or lung damage.

Yes, I need to isolate for a while to keep my hubby and others safe. 

I'll take it. 

Thank you science, for bringing us to this place. We have lost, and continue to lose far too many people to Covid. Unvaccinated people are 4 times more likely to suffer severe illness and require hospitalization than those who are fully vaxxed, and 10 times more likely than those who have boosters on board. 

Despite the best efforts of the misinformation brigade, Canada is over 85.76% fully vaccinated, with 47.47% boosted. Even as case numbers rise yet again, this level of vaccination will go a long way in keeping our health care system from becoming overwhelmed, as it did with past waves. 

As I sit, sipping hot drinks, and blowing my nose, I can't help but think of the poor souls of Ukraine, who are fighting for their literal lives. I mean, a war in the midst of a freaking pandemic?! This amount of strain and stress would crush average humans. But these aren't average humans. These are the people of Ukraine.

I have a warm safe place to be, and nurse myself back to health.

I have nothing to complain about. Nothing.

I've never been more grateful for three little pricks. 


Until next time...

May you get vaccinated. 


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